Bars, restaurants, transport, hospitals… What will change from August 9

The decision was eagerly awaited. Seized by left-wing deputies and senators and by the Prime Minister himself, the Constitutional Council largely validated, this Thursday, the bill “relating to the management of the health crisis”. Adopted by Parliament on July 25, the text establishes the extension of the health pass in France and compulsory vaccination for caregivers.

Already imposed since July 21 in places of culture and leisure receiving more than 50 people, this famous health pass will be required in many other establishments from next Monday. To detail the modalities of its implementation, several application decrees should be drafted in the coming days. A period of “adaptation and running in” was however granted by the government, which promised “tolerance” and “pedagogy” for all the actors concerned. So, where will you be asked for the pass starting August 9 and under what conditions? 20 minutes make the point.

What access to restaurants, bars and cafes?

From Monday, owners of restaurants, bars and cafes will be required to ask their customers for a valid health pass. This obligation will also apply to consumers who wish to sit on the terrace of these establishments. In the absence of control, the managers may be put on formal notice by the administrative authority and have their business closed for a maximum of 7 days.

In the event of a breach more than three times over 45 days, the manager will incur one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 9,000 euros. For employees of bars, restaurants and cafes, on the other hand, the obligation to have a valid health pass has been set for August 30. Hotel, campsite or vacation club customers who have a bar or restaurant will also be subject to health pass control.

Restrictions in transport?

Another novelty from August 9, the health pass will be checked when boarding planes, trains and coaches making long-distance journeys. Passengers will also be asked for domestic flights, TGVs, intercity trains and night trains. The TER and trains of the Parisian suburbs are not concerned by this extension. On July 30, the CEO of SNCF Voyageurs, Christophe Fanichet, indicated that the health pass could also “be checked at any time” during these train journeys.

To facilitate checks, SNCF plans to integrate the pass into passenger tickets by September, he added. Users checked without a pass on board will be able to continue their journey, but will not escape a fine of 135 euros, said the CEO of the railway company. Finally, the Minister in charge of Transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, said on BFMTV than
travelers can be reimbursed for their SNCF ticket in the event of a positive coronavirus test.

What about hospitals and health establishments?

It was one of the most controversial points of the text before its passage before the Constitutional Council. Validated by the Wise Men, the extension of the health pass will apply to hospitals, medico-social establishments, nursing homes and retirement homes. Those accompanying patients and patients who have to go to these places for scheduled care will be asked. However, no emergency service will be subject to the health pass. Health professionals are now obliged to be vaccinated and have until September 15 to receive at least a first dose of an anti-Covid vaccine.

Large shopping centers finally subject to the pass?

Initially targeted by the text, customers of large shopping centers will not be subject to the health pass. But beware, the parliamentarians left it to the prefects to apply this measure or not. The prefectural authorities may decide to impose the control of the sanitary pass if the “characteristics” of these large shopping centers justify it and according to the “seriousness of the contamination risks”. In all cases, the decision of the prefects must be “motivated”.

Who is concerned ?

All adults are subject to these new measures. Minors, aged 12 to 17, are however exempt until September 30. As for children under 12, they are not affected by the extension of the health pass.

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