“Bares for Rares” star Walter Lehnertz is being blackmailed

Walter Lehnertz
“Bares for Rares” star “Waldi” was hacked – and sends a clear message to the blackmailer

Millions of TV viewers know Walter “Waldi” Lehnertz as a humorous dealer from the ZDF junk show “Bares for Rares”.

© Frank W. Hempel / ZDF

Shock for Walter Lehnertz: An unknown person has hacked the Facebook page of the popular “Bares for Rares” dealer and wants money. But “Waldi” has a clear message to the crooks.

Fans know and love him from the ZDF junk show “Bares for Rares”. There, Walter Lehnertz always creates a good atmosphere in the dealer room with his humorous sayings. But in the meantime “Waldi” has lost his good mood. In an Instagram video, the antiques dealer from the Eifel addressed his fans with bad news: “I’ve been hacked again,” the 56-year-old told his more than 23,000 followers. An unknown person cracked the password on his Facebook page and apparently joined other groups under his name, according to “Waldi”.

But that’s not all: The hacker wanted money for the return of the site. His “Holde” received an email in which demands were made: “Spacko wants 1,800 euros and then he wants to clear my site again.”

Walter Lehnertz: Known from “Bares for Rares”

But with the sum, the hacker has thoroughly made a mistake. Apparently he doesn’t know that he’s dealing with 80-euro Waldi. Lehnertz earned his nickname by starting every auction with an initial bid of 80 euros.

However, that wasn’t the biggest mistake the crook made: he wrote his blackmail email in English. A language that “Waldi” says he only speaks rudimentarily. Addressing the hacker, Lehnerzt says: “If you want to negotiate with me, you must first learn German!”

With this, “Waldi” makes it clear that he is not willing to pay for the return of the password. “They should just leave me alone. I just want to spread a good mood,” is his credo. He can count on the support of his fans. Many responded to the post and encouraged the popular TV star. A colleague from “Bares zu Rares” also spoke up: Julian Schmitz-Avila even had a tip ready on how “Waldi” could protect himself from such experiences in the future: “2-factor authentication!”, The 36-year-old wrote , who couldn’t resist a little hint: “Facebook & Instagram are one and the same.”

Source used: Instagram

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