“Bares for Rares”: Painting encourages Horst Lichter to role-play

“Bares for Rares”
“A cup of coffee with that?”: Painting encourages Horst Lichter and Colmar Schulte-Goltz to role-play

Colmar Schulte-Goltz and Horst Lichter introduce themselves to “Bares for Rares” as if they were in the café.


This object had a strong effect: Horst Lichter suddenly got hungry when looking at the painting on “Bares for Rares”. It also whetted the appetite of the buyer in the dealer room.

“But that looks cozy,” says Horst Lichter when he sees the picture that Colmar Schulte-Goltz is examining. It shows a bakery and confectionery. The presenter gets hungry immediately: “Oh, I would like to go in there now,” says Lichter. “That would be just the right time for me.” The expert joins in the fun and serves it:

Schulte-Goltz: “What would you like to have? From the tin?”
Lights: “I’d love to. I love sheet cake. With apples.”
Schulte-Goltz: “A cup of coffee with that?”
Lights: “I’d love to. With milk, no sugar.”
Schulte-Goltz: “Come out soon.”
Lights: “Some whipped cream separately.”

Then Anselm Roppel enters the studio and puts an end to the spectacle. The 38-year-old from Braunschweig wants to sell the painting that sparked this café fantasy. He inherited it from his father, but since his wife thought the picture was terrible, it was in the attic. Colmar Schulte-Goltz, on the other hand, doesn’t think it’s that bad: You can tell “that the artist was capable,” says the expert. His conclusion: great composition and a very nice play of colors. The picture dates from 1933, but the art connoisseur cannot say who the painter is.

Roppel would like 200 euros for it. The expert goes even further: Schulte-Goltz estimates the value at 500 euros. And it’s also well received in the dealer’s room: “Oh, I would buy that,” says Julian Schmitz-Avila when he sees the painting. It is worth 400 euros to him right from the start. In the end he gets the bid for 500 euros – the estimated value.

The painting also whets the appetite of Schmutz-Avila: “I have a great affinity for eating and drinking,” says the dealer as an explanation for his interest in buying. Above all, seller Roppel is happy not to have to drive home with the picture again.

source: “Bares for Rares” in the ZDF media library

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