Barcelona airport: migrants flee when they land unscheduled

Status: 12/07/2022 6:18 p.m

A flight from Morocco to Turkey had to be interrupted due to an alleged emergency. The machine landed unscheduled in Spain. Numerous passengers used the situation to flee.

27 passengers used an unscheduled stopover of their plane in Barcelona to escape. As the Spanish authorities announced, a pregnant woman had previously faked labor on board. 13 people were arrested directly by the police – 14 more are still on the run.

The flight of the Turkish airline Pegasus had started with a total of 228 passengers from Casablanca in Morocco towards Istanbul in Turkey. The pregnant woman was taken out of the plane at Barcelona airport, and 27 people got off the plane without permission and tried to flee.

Doctors diagnose no contractions

According to the authorities, doctors finally found in the hospital that the woman was pregnant, but had not had any contractions. She was arrested for disturbing public order.

Of the 13 passengers apprehended by police, five agreed to get back on the plane and continue to Istanbul. The other eight are to be taken out of the country on another Pegasus flight. The authorities did not provide any information about the nationality of those affected.

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