Baptiste returns to the video that made him famous on the Internet

His video made the rounds on the Internet: Baptiste, it is this teenager who had made a fire in his room and whose reaction from his mother, exclaiming “But you’re not clear, Baptiste!” “, Had provoked the hilarity of millions of Internet users. Many were then those who wondered why the young man had acted thus and in what state he was then. The person therefore re-establishes the truth: “I had to sleep and I decided to take two sleeping pills. However, these being of “level three”, they caused many side effects… ”.

The next day, Baptiste had no more recollection of these events! His best friend then showed him this video, he had unpublished it after it had reached a million views … time for Internet users to seize this joke, since become cult. Our star of a moment (despite himself) tells what really happened that day in the video of our partner Brut.

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