Banknotes bearing the image of King Charles III arrive in wallets this Wednesday

Banknotes bearing the image of King Charles III will appear in British wallets this Wednesday, gradually replacing those bearing the portrait of his mother Elizabeth II.

The King’s face will appear on the new £5.10, £20 and £50 notes, which will otherwise remain similar to current notes, the Bank of England said in a statement on Tuesday.

Tickets printed gradually

These new notes will be printed little by little to “replace those that are worn out” in order to “minimize the environmental and financial impact” of this change. They will join the coins bearing the image of Charles III, which entered circulation in December 2022, a few months after the death of Queen Elizabeth.

From Wednesday, members of the public will also be able to exchange their old banknotes for those bearing the image of Charles III via the Bank of England, up to a limit of £300 per person.

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