Band of the week: Greenwald – Munich

A home full of music. The Beatles as companions, many instruments as roommates, songs can always be heard from somewhere. Because her father is a professional musician Greenwald, whose real name is Gloria Grünwald, grew up with music. Understandably, the dream of making music myself comes to fruition very early. “I have the privilege of having enjoyed a musical education from an early age,” she says. However, the realization of her dream takes a detour.

First, Gloria receives a rejection from the music university to which she applied after school. “Of course I was sad at first,” says Gloria. “But it still didn’t stop me from continuing to write songs.” She goes to radio and becomes a music journalist and presenter, awarded the German Radio Prize in 2021. Inspired by the music that surrounds her all day, she sits down at the piano in the evening and works on her own music until late into the night.

“I’ve actually always written songs,” says Gloria. “But I haven’t had the courage to publish it for a long time.” In 2020 she focused fully on songwriting again and realized how much she was absorbed in it. “I realized that this was something I wanted to do now. There was so much about me in the songs. And they were just too good to be put away,” she says. She released her debut single, aptly titled “Fighter,” in July of this year. A few days later it was played on the radio for the first time. Gloria shares a video of this moment on Instagram. She has tears in her eyes. “It was something very special for me to experience the other side,” she says. “Not as a presenter, but in the role of the artist myself and then hearing other colleagues presenting my music on the radio. That was a milestone and I was very overwhelmed.”

Greenwald’s music is lively pop melodies, catchy choruses and Gloria’s clear, bell-like voice, which conjures up an alternative atmosphere. Greenwald’s latest song “Long Distance” has just been released. It suits both melancholic moods and loud road trip moments in the car. The song describes the moment when it becomes clear that the physical distance between two people in a long-distance relationship has become an emotional distance. These are personal experiences that Gloria processes in her songs. “I think these are feelings that many people have experienced in one way or another,” she says. “For me, that’s what’s special about music. I’m a listener myself. And a great song for me is one where you know exactly that the artist has processed something and thereby builds a bridge to everyone, who find themselves in the lyrics.”

Another big moment is still ahead for Greenwald this year: On November 17th she will open the Neon Music Festival – in the Olympiahalle. “So I can cross that off my bucket list,” she says and laughs.


Style: Alternative pop

Occupation: Gloria Gruenwald

Since: 2020


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