Ban under consideration – Against disposable e-cigarettes – Economy

The new chairman of the conference of health ministers wants to campaign for a ban on disposable e-cigarettes. “I am absolutely in favor of these vapes being taken off the market,” said Baden-Württemberg’s Health Minister Manne Lucha. There are already efforts by colleagues from the environmental sector to examine a ban. “As Minister of Health, I expressly support this. The federal and state governments should now urgently address this issue,” said the Green politician. But he speaks for himself and not for the state government, according to Lucha. Bavaria calls for a Europe-wide ban on disposable e-cigarettes. The cabinet there has decided on a Federal Council initiative to call on the federal government to advocate a sales ban at EU level. The background to the initiative is to slow down the growing market for these disposable products. Electronic waste, plastic waste and old batteries accumulated after the e-cigarettes were only used once. With an amendment to the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive, a ban could be anchored in the Single-Use Plastics Ban Ordinance.

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