Baltic Sea: Sweden’s army chief warns of Moscow’s ambitions

Status: 22.05.2024 08:59 a.m.

Tensions in the Baltic Sea have been increasing for years. The Swedish commander-in-chief is now warning against the Kremlin’s quest for power in the inland sea. Russian President Putin may have a strategically important island in mind.

The commander-in-chief of the Swedish armed forces, Micael Biden, has warned of Russia’s ambitions for power in the Baltic Sea. “I am sure that (Russian President Vladimir) Putin even has both eyes on Gotland. Putin’s goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea,” the army chief told the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (RND).

“If Russia takes control and seals off the Baltic Sea, it would have an enormous impact on our lives – in Sweden and all other Baltic Sea states. We cannot allow that,” said Biden. “The Baltic Sea must not become Putin’s playground where he terrifies NATO members.”

From Gotland, Sweden can help other NATO states on the Baltic Sea to live in safety. “But if Putin invades Gotland, he can threaten NATO countries from the sea. That would be the end of peace and stability in the Nordic and Baltic regions,” Biden said.

No military consequences for joining NATO

With a view to Sweden joining NATO, Putin had threatened consequences. However, Biden was unable to confirm that the Kremlin followed up the threats with action. “We have basically not seen any more activity from Russia since joining than before.”

In scenarios, Sweden assumed that Russia would demonstratively flex its muscles. “But we didn’t expect an invasion and ground troops,” Biden told the RND newspapers. If Sweden had observed Russian troop movements, it would not have been directly on its borders, said Biden. “They perform drills, but only at the expected level.”

On the other hand, “non-military provocations” were expected, such as disinformation, smear campaigns and cyberattacks. “There have been some serious cyberattacks, but it’s hard to say who is really behind them,” said Biden. “In some cases it was definitely a state actor, but it could have been someone other than Russia.”

Russian oil tankers “danger to the environment in Europe”

The Swedish Chief of General Staff also warned of a serious disaster caused by old Russian oil tankers in the Baltic Sea. “Russia could cause an environmental disaster right on our doorstep and make it look like an accident. The consequences for the environment would be devastating,” said Biden in the RND newspapers.

The Russian oil tankers are a “real danger to the environment in Europe”. Russia could also use these ships in other ways to wage war against NATO, Biden said. “There is no better way for Russia to sneak up on us than by disguising itself as an old oil tanker. They can use the ships to eavesdrop on our communications, secretly transport something or use them for underwater sabotage.”

Civil Defense Minister warned of possible war

In January, Swedish Civil Protection Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin caused a stir when he pointed out at a defense conference that there could be a “war” in Sweden. Shortly afterwards, Biden also declared that the people in the country had to “mentally prepare for war.”

After the end of the Cold War, Sweden sharply reduced its defense spending in the 1990s. Only after the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 was there increased investment in the country’s security again.

Last year, the government announced that it would exceed the two percent target for defense spending in 2024. According to the Swedish news agency TT, spending of around 6.5 billion Swedish kronor is planned for this year. According to the Swedish Agency for Civil Emergencies, however, almost three times that amount is needed to cover demand.

Finally, in April 2024 – a month after Sweden joined NATO – the government of the Scandinavian country announced that it would invest 385 million Swedish crowns (33 million euros) in civil defense and the restoration of air raid shelters, justifying this on the basis of what it considered to be deteriorated security situation. According to the information, the money will also flow into strengthening emergency services, building up drug supplies and the country’s cybersecurity.

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