Baltic Sea gas pipeline: Poland’s Prime Minister calls for Nord Stream 2 to be stopped

Baltic Sea gas pipeline
Poland’s Prime Minister calls for Nord Stream 2 to be stopped

Poland has long been against the already completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Photo: Stefan Sauer / dpa

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Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is hoping for the support of the next German Chancellor in the fight against the Baltic Sea gas pipeline Nord Stream 2.

Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is calling for the new federal government to stop the Nord Stream 2 Baltic gas pipeline from Russia to Germany immediately.

Morawiecki told the “Bild” newspaper that he would get in touch with the likely next Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (SPD), and tell him personally: “We are defending the EU border here in Poland. And when we talk about the bigger picture: let’s work together for peace and not give Vladimir Putin extra money through energy payments so that he can continue to arm. ” This of course means the closure of the new gas pipeline.

Certification required

Poland has long been opposed to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which has already been completed. It is feared that Russia could thereby increase Europe’s dependence on its gas supplies and put previous transit countries under pressure. Morawiecki had already said in the past that Poland had tried to convince other countries that this project would help Russia rearm.

The operators of the gas pipeline still have to wait for the green light from Germany to start operations. The Federal Network Agency has temporarily suspended its procedure for the certification of Nord Stream 2 AG as an independent operator and thus for the approval of gas transport through the Baltic Sea pipeline from Russia to Germany. First of all, the operating company had to be organized according to German law, the authority announced on Tuesday. Without certification, the transport of Russian gas through the completed pipeline into the German domestic market is not permitted.


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