Ballon d’Or 2022 – What Karim Benzema owes Cristiano Ronaldo

For eternity among the giants. Karim Benzema didn’t need a Ballon d’Or to make Real Madrid history. But the individual distinction won on Monday by the French striker brings him into a very closed circle. Only seven other players from the Merengue ranks had the privilege of lifting the trophy with the Madrid shirt: Alfredo Di Stefano, Raymond Kopa, Luis Figo, Ronaldo – his idol -, Fabio Cannavaro, Cristiano Ronaldo and Luka Modric.

But in this list of winners, one counted more than the others. Arrived the same summer of 2009, Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema knew everything in the Madrid jersey. Together, more than 300 matches, 15 trophies, shared goals and an esteem that has continued to grow. The importance of the French in the performance of CR7 has often been highlighted. But the reverse is also true.

A sculpted physique to last longer

Before, I didn’t really like it. For example, when I had aches, I rested“: Karim Benzema has often explained it, his most convincing mutation is undoubtedly physical. In Lyon then during his first years in Madrid, the Frenchman was rarely the most assiduous in physical exercises. “The Benzema of today is not at all the same as that of Lyon“, recognized his friend Eden Hazard, in Lille during the outbreak of KB9 on the side of Gerland.

Benzema, a Ballon d’Or in training

In the case, Cristiano Ronaldo had an undeniable impact. Perhaps the most decisive to understand the evolution of Benzema. “His professionalism has improved a lot with CR7testified Jorge Valdano in 2021. Benzema played with Cristiano Ronaldo, the super professional of excellence. And Cristiano, who loves him very much, called him and said: ‘Dude, what you are doing is not enough for you to play for Real Madrid’“.

A late awareness but which was visually very significant. Sharp as a blade, Benzema took on another physical dimension. According to his cook at the time, KB9 melted – between five and eight kilos – after the Portuguese left. “The Real player who spends the most time in the weight room? Me !“, he laughed at the Chiringuito a few months ago.

This physical boost was also accompanied by better body maintenance, especially during recovery. Grace to the “Bolt method”, based on rest accompanied by electrostimulation, the Frenchman has learned to manage the sequence of matches much better and to limit injuries as much as possible when he is approaching his 35th birthday. In this area, CR7’s longevity looks like the example to follow, which he did.

A late-discovered leader

Here again, paradoxically, it was Cristiano’s departure that freed Benzema. “It was important to him. This forced him to take on a bigger leadership role“, added Valdano. Captain for the first time in 2014, Benzema only became one permanently since this summer and the official departure of Marcelo. But, in fact, he has been in the habit since 2018.

Within a rejuvenated Real, he assumed his role as an offensive spearhead but also as an accompanist for young Madrid shoots, in the first place of which Vinicius. Like CR7, Benzema has also decided to place his captaincy under the sign of daily exemplarity: punctuality and total investment in the field. “Cristiano Ronaldo has helped me tremendously on and off the pitch about giving more, all the time. He knew I was capable of it. When he left I changed my game but I also changed my ambition“, he admitted last august. The only difference: the attitude towards the referees, much more calm at KB9 than at CR7.

5 winners, 7 other podiums… The French and the Ballon d’Or

It’s hard to find a better symbol than Real’s last campaign in the Champions League to illustrate this idea. Beyond his goals, Benzema embodied this iron will to believe in it until the end. Like the Portuguese at the time of certain significant comebacks. “Me, when I’m on the field, I just try not to let my team give up the gameconfided the Frenchman at L’Équipe in early April. OK, we can lose 4-0, but we will create five chances, we will show something“.

A striker with a playmaker’s soul

Would Karim Benzema have been such a complete centre-forward without Cristiano Ronaldo? On his debut in Lyon, his sense of movement and his technique in motion dazzled observers. But his transformation into an attacker with extraordinary creativity has especially developed alongside Ronaldo. “People only see Benzema as a striker but he also has the skills of a brilliant midfielder“, Ancelotti already said in 2015. A state of affairs that was imposed on Benzema rather than truly chosen.

“Little suspense but a lot of emotion: Benzema split the armor”

In front of me, I had a guy who scored double or triple my goals so I had to adapt to this situationhe explained in 2020 in the podcast of Jorge Valdano. I started seeing football through him. I watched his movements, I tried to imitate him but it was impossible. So with Cristiano Ronaldo, I changed, I played for him“.

At the time of donning the costume of offensive leader of Real, the Frenchman knew how to play on this versatility ultimately rare in his position. Sometimes a fourth midfielder to help out Madrid with the ball, sometimes a pivot with impeccable protection, he was also responsible for the creation and then the finishing of numerous offensives last season. Did you say total player?

A further improved technique in front of the goal

To frequent CR7, and the other sacred Madrid monsters by the way, Benzema raised a technical level already above the lot on his arrival. But, in front of the goal, he did not stop improving. His statistics speak for themselves. But in some areas, his technical progress is obvious. From the left foot, he became much more complete. But it is above all in the air sector that it has become a European benchmark.

Since the departure of CR7, he has scored nearly 30 headed goals. “Before, I had no abshe laughed last April. Now I take a lot of balls from the head because I do a lot of core work, abs, and so I find that I jump higher than the guys“. But his position in the surface is also a legacy from CR7. Often on the move, often wedged behind the backs of defenders, with a choice of rare accuracy (smashed, pricked, lobbed): the Benzema panoply looks like his be mistaken for that of Cristiano.

Cristiano Ronaldo must pray in the morning and say: ‘Thank you Benzema for playing with me’“, exaggerated Antonio Cassano on Christian Vieri’s Twitch channel last April. Like a change of perspective. to shine in exceptional moments. From now on, they are associated for eternity. On the list of the most beautiful of individual trophies.

But what is the secret of Benzema’s heading game?

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