Balcony power plants: Save more with bifacial modules

Balcony power plants are the easiest way to become independent of rising electricity prices. When installed correctly, they save money and are also environmentally friendly. If you want to exploit the full potential of mini solar systems, you should use so-called bifacial modules. We explain why this is the case here.

Generate your own electricity using the power of the sun – balcony power plants are currently in great demand. As soon as the sun’s rays hit the modules, they are converted into electricity and passed into the house or fed into the public power grid. In many cases, however, only when the light hits the front of the modules. More solar power can be used with bifacial modules. In addition to the front, the back also absorbs solar energy – directly or indirectly. Hence the name “bifacial”, which comes from the Latin “bi facies” (two faces).

Bifacial modules: 38 percent more energy yield possible

However, the bifacial modules do not produce twice as much power. This is explained by the fact that the same amount of sunlight cannot hit both sides at the same time. Nevertheless, up to 30 percent more electricity yield is achieved, which saves money in the medium term. With the right technology, the yield can be increased even further. The German provider Kleines Kraftwerk even promises up to 38 percent more energy yield. For example, with his Quattro Grid Balcony balcony power plant (1720Wp+). According to the manufacturer, this is ensured by the built-in TOPCon technology, which promises greater efficiency than normal PERC modules.

Click here for the offer at Kleines Kraftwerk

  • Four solar modules
  • Bifacial 2,160 watt peak (Wp)
  • Includes smartphone app
  • 25 year guarantee

Balcony power plants with bifacial modules: It depends on the location

Bifacial modules are slightly more expensive than the standard modules. The location ultimately determines whether the investment is worthwhile. When placed in the garden, at an angle on a flat roof or on a lattice balcony, the back can also catch the sun’s rays. If the modules lie directly and flat against a wall or roof, things look different. It is possible that the additional cost is not worth it in this case. Either way, sensible mounts are needed. There is currently a discount campaign on Amazon for two bifacial solar modules from Alldrei including a holder. They normally cost 599 euros. Once you click on the stored coupon, you can save 70 euros.

Click here for the offer on Amazon

  • Two solar modules
  • 860 Wp
  • Includes smartphone app
  • 15 year product guarantee

With the help of a balcony power plant, an increase in electricity generation is possible, which saves money and resources. In many cases, the purchase becomes worthwhile after a short period of time. Bifacial modules have even greater savings potential because they can generate even more energy. Before you buy such a module – or replace the old standard modules with them – it is important to check whether they can be set up in a location where enough light falls on the back of the bifacial modules.

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