Balcony power plant – retrofitting storage made easy

With a balcony power plant plus additional storage, you can not only produce electricity in an environmentally friendly way, but also store it. This gives users the opportunity to use the stored energy exactly when it is needed. What to look out for when buying a balcony power storage system – there is information here.

High electricity costs are one of the reasons why more and more private households are producing their own electricity. This is also easily possible with the help of balcony power plants. The disadvantage, however, is that if the sun doesn’t shine, no energy flows into the house network. The solution to this is storage that is specially designed for balcony power plants and can usually be easily connected via plug and play. However, there are still a few small details that should be taken into account when purchasing a balcony power storage system.

For an extra portion of electricity – retrofitting a storage system made easy

First of all: If you already have a balcony power plant, you can actually retrofit it with an appropriate storage system without any problems. However, it is essential that all components fit together. However, there are now numerous storage systems that have been specifically designed for use with a classic balcony power plant. The advantage of a storage system is obvious: excess electricity can be stored for later consumption – this gives consumers much more flexibility when using solar energy and the efficiency of the balcony power plant can be increased. For example, the stored energy can be used conveniently during peak times – and regardless of sunlight – when electricity costs are particularly high.

When buying a balcony power storage system, a few criteria should be in the foreground:

  • Battery storage capacity: depending on the output of the balcony power plant
  • lifespan: How many charging cycles are possible?
  • Depth of Discharge (DoD): How much capacity of the memory can actually be used without compromising its lifespan?
  • Weather resistance: Is the storage equipped with IP65 marking?
  • Assembly: Is installation via plug and play possible?
  • Clarity: Is control via app included?
  • Cost: Does the purchase pay for itself?
  • guarantee: Is there a manufacturer’s warranty?

If the balcony power plant is to be retrofitted with storage, there are now simple solutions, such as the Zendure SolarFlow Hub 1200, which is available from Kleines Kraftwerk and which fits perfectly with the single or duo balcony power plant from the same provider. The SolarFlow Hub is equipped with MC4 connections and is therefore, according to the manufacturer, compatible with 99 percent of plug-in solar systems currently on the market.

Click here for the offer at Kleines Kraftwerk

Click here for the matching balcony power plant at Kleines Kraftwerk

When is storage for the balcony power plant worthwhile?

With an additional storage system, excess energy is collected and stored – of course, this is only worthwhile if the electricity produced is not used directly. A storage system is particularly worthwhile if the output of the balcony power plant is correspondingly high. Depending on the size of the household and electricity consumption, the output of the mini PV system should be slightly higher in order to obtain any surplus energy.

How does a balcony power plant storage system work?

When the sun shines, energy is generated in the solar modules of the balcony power plant, fed into the house network via the inverter and consumed directly there. If there is a surplus, this energy is stored in the retrofitted battery and can therefore be used flexibly in the evenings, at night and on cloudy days. This means additional savings on your electricity bill are possible. Balcony power plant storage usually comes with an intelligent control system to ensure efficient storage.

How can storage be retrofitted?

Suppliers of balcony power plants often install standard inverters that are compatible with classic plug-and-play storage systems – so retrofitting is very easy.

Like the Zendure model, the Noah 2000 balcony solar storage system from Growatt can also be easily connected to all common balcony power plants thanks to MC4 connections; the manufacturer promises up to 6,000 charging cycles and a long service life.

Click here to see the Growatt storage offer on Ebay

Advantages and disadvantages of battery storage

An optional battery storage system for the balcony power plant has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. The primary question when purchasing should always be whether the storage is worth it and whether enough energy is produced. Only then will the purchase pay for itself after some time.

Advantages of a balcony power plant storage system

  1. Maximizing the self-consumption rate: The storage allows excess solar energy to be stored and used later, increasing self-consumption and reducing dependence on the grid.
  2. Independence from grid feed: With storage, stored energy is available even when the sun is not shining or the grid fails, improving energy security.
  3. Flexibility in using solar energy: The stored energy can be used at different times of the day or when needed, increasing the efficiency of solar energy.

Disadvantages of a balcony power plant storage system

  1. Initial investment costs: Purchasing and installing a storage system can be expensive and may require a longer payback period.
  2. Limited storage capacity: Balcony power storage often has limited storage capacity, meaning there may not always be enough energy available to meet demand, especially during periods of low solar radiation.
  3. Space requirements and installation: Installing a storage system requires additional balcony space and possible structural adjustments, which is not practical for some living situations.

Click here to view the Anker Solix solar bank on Amazon

Under the right conditions, storage is worth it

The balcony power plant can be easily retrofitted with a suitable storage system and your own power generation system can be optimized in no time. In terms of energy independence, this is a logical step; the use of solar energy is increased and the electricity bill is reduced. However, this only works if the storage capacity is adapted to both the output of the balcony power plant and your own electricity consumption.

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