Balance sheet of the transport company: 52 million 9-euro tickets sold

Status: 08/29/2022 3:02 p.m

The Association of Transport Companies speaks of a “complete success” for the 9-euro ticket. 52 million tickets were sold accordingly. Because this avoided many car journeys, around 1.8 million tons of CO2 were saved.

The Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) has drawn a positive balance of the 9-euro ticket. The three-month special ticket campaign had a clear effect on the use of local public transport. Around 52 million tickets were sold nationwide over the entire period, the association announced at a joint video press conference with the conference of transport ministers of the federal states (VMK). “In addition, there are more than ten million subscribers who have automatically received the discounted ticket monthly over the campaign period,” it said.

A key finding is “that we have a lot of transfer passengers,” said VDV CEO Oliver Wolff. According to the VDV, there were an estimated one billion trips per month between June and August as a result of the special measure. Ten percent of the trips with the nine-euro ticket were used for a route that would otherwise have been driven by car. Overall, the proportion of trips shifted from other means of transport is 17 percent. The VDV estimates the amount of greenhouse gas saved at 1.8 million tons of CO2. That is roughly the same effect as if there had been a speed limit on German autobahns for a year.

Demands for a successor offer

“The results of the market research clearly show that people want local public transport if the ticket is simple and understandable and can be used flexibly everywhere,” said Bremen Mobility Senator Maike Schaefer, who is also Chair of the VMK.

If such an offer does not only exist for the foreseeable period of three months, people are willing to leave their car for it. Schaefer called for concrete proposals from the federal government as to how a connection solution to the 9-euro ticket could be designed and financed.

The VDV is also in favor of a speedy connection solution for the ticket. “If we take the traffic turnaround and climate change seriously, then we have to act now,” said Wolff. “The ticket was very successful and it’s worth thinking about the sequel,” he said. Like several state transport ministers, he also called for more investment in order to improve local public transport.

78,000 people surveyed

Together with Deutsche Bahn, the association conducts the most extensive survey on the use of the 9-euro ticket, 6,000 people are surveyed every week, a total of 78,000.

It turned out that the low purchase price was the main argument for the purchase for 56 percent of those surveyed. At least 43 percent named not driving as a reason for the purchase. The flexibility and the nationwide validity were also mentioned as important purchase arguments.

For June, July and August, the 9-euro ticket enabled travel on all local public transport in Germany for a monthly fee of 9 euros. The ticket was one of several measures taken by the federal government to relieve consumers in view of the high energy prices. The offer ends on August 30th. Possible follow-up offers have been discussed for weeks.

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