Baierbrunn – village of model democrats – district of Munich

Churchill’s frequently quoted judgment that “democracy” is “the worst of all forms of government – except for all others” does not exactly sound like a declaration of love. This pragmatic, sober assessment has become established in our part of the world, and democracy, with all its shortcomings, would do with a little more passion, especially in competition with powerful autocracies. One cannot blame the Baierbrunners for that, however, they are in love with democracy like no one else in Germany.

The mayor of Baierbrunn, Patrick Ott, received the official confirmation in the form of a trophy on Friday: The chairmen of the association “Demokratieverliebt”, Timo Albeshausen and Steven Tümler, presented the town hall chief from the ÜWG with a sculpture that represents a large ballot box. The Isartalgemeinde earned the challenge cup because it was the municipality with the highest voter turnout in all of Germany in the federal elections: Almost 90.8 percent of Baierbrunners cast their votes.

Patrick Ott is proud: “A nice appointment. For me as mayor, it is an honor to work for such a community.” The aim of the association “Demokratieverliebt”, which emerged a few years ago from an initiative of political students and their professor and is based in Walsrode, Lower Saxony, is among other things, “on the importance of democratic elections and a high participation in them as a symbol of political participation to draw general attention “. The cup was awarded for the first time this year in the course of a federal election. “I think it’s a funny idea that with such a competition you might also create a general incentive for a higher turnout,” says Ott.

For the municipality of Baierbrunn, which also contributed to the fact that the constituency of Munich-Land was the one with the highest voter turnout in Germany with 84.8 percent, the role model role in matters of democratic participation is nothing unusual. Also in other elections in the recent past or the commitment to the referendum “Save the bees”, the municipality with around 3400 inhabitants took the top spot in the district of Munich. The challenge cup, which is a good meter high, will now be set up in the foyer of the town hall. “We want to defend him in four years,” said Ott.

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