Baerbock in Kosovo and Serbia – Politics

The river Ibar divides Mitrovica in half, not only geographically. In the northern part of the city in Kosovo almost exclusively Serbian-speaking residents live, in the south Kosovar Albanians. The Ibar Bridge, renovated with EU money, on which Annalena Baerbock will meet the mayors of the two administratively separate communities this Friday, is both a connection and a symbol of the ongoing division. After the end of the war in 1999, there were repeated violent clashes here. It has been quiet in recent years. But red flags with Albania’s black double-headed eagle hang in the streets on one bank, and Serbia’s tricolor on the other. The driveway to the north is blocked with red and white concrete blocks; only pedestrians can pass here.

The federal government wants to quickly bring Kosovo and the other states of the Western Balkans closer to the European Union. But here on this bridge, the German Foreign Minister sees an example of how difficult that is likely to be. She suggests a joint youth festival on the bridge in conversation with two young women from the two parts of the city who are committed to reconciliation, one from the north and the other from the south. They look at each other briefly, then at Baerbock and say, “Maybe we should start small.” Even the meeting of the two mayors is not a matter of course. Maybe they could explain together that it’s okay for kids from the two boroughs to hang out together.

The night before, during her talks with Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Pristina, Baerbock emphasized that the new federal government attaches strategic importance to the Western Balkans, even more so since Russian President Vladimir Putin attacked Ukraine. The Kremlin persistently refuses to recognize Kosovo, has influence in Serbia. And, so the fear goes, also the possibility of fueling the existing tensions between the ethnic groups.

Kosovo speaks of “hybrid warfare”

Kurti speaks of Russia’s “hybrid warfare” in the Balkans, from a secret service base in Niš, Serbia. Putin, whom he describes as a “warlord,” previously “didn’t even mention Kosovo once a month, now he mentions us once a week.” The nervousness is great, clearly noticeable, everywhere in the Balkans. Support from the EU “has never been more urgent than now,” emphasizes Kurti. “The EU is our goal, Europe is our continent”. NATO also feels connected to its country.

Baerbock emphasizes the practical bilateral cooperation, the economic relations, which she wants to further strengthen, Germany is the most important trading partner anyway. One example is the Selac wind farm, a cooperation between Kosovar and German companies and Israeli investors. In a flurry of snow at minus ten degrees, Baerbock and Kurti open the project with 27 turbines, which will supply ten percent of Kosovo’s electricity in the future. But even Baerbock can’t promise quick accession to the EU, it won’t just fall out of the sky.

When it’s cold, you need energy: Baerbock at the inauguration of a wind farm in Mitrovica.

(Photo: Thomas Imo/Imago/photothek)

She certifies Kurti’s reforms and successes in fighting corruption and strengthening the rule of law, but at the same time points to the criteria that must be met – for Kosovo and the other Balkan states, but also for Ukraine and other new applicants. But there are small steps to announce, at least. Baerbock calls the driver’s license recognition, “even if you smile at it”. And promises visa-free travel to the EU, which would be a far greater relief; 500,000 Kosovars live in Germany alone. “Kosovo delivered, now the European Union has to deliver as well,” says Baerbock. France has blocked this so far, but that could change after the presidential election there, so it is hoped.

The bigger problem on the way to the EU, however, remains the lack of progress in the normalization dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia. “Probing questions that exist in every family,” says Baerbock, and that nothing should be forgotten or brushed aside. “But pragmatism and courage are also required for decisions to give the younger generation a chance,” she says. And emphasizes that the EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajčák enjoys full support. “There are steps that we, even as friends, cannot do for them,” she says.

She is also conveying this message in Belgrade, where President Aleksandar Vučić will receive her on Friday afternoon. “Visible progress” is needed in dialogue and in normalizing relations between Serbia and Kosovo. After the presidential and parliamentary elections in Serbia on April 3, Germany wants to help the governments of the two countries to take “overdue steps” towards a comprehensive, binding agreement. She also calls on Serbia to oppose the secessionist efforts of the Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik.

In Belgrade, Baerbock castigates Putin’s war of aggression

Above all, however, Baerbock makes it clear that the EU is a community of values ​​and that only those who share these values ​​and support the common foreign policy can become members. In view of Russian President Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine, “clear words and actions are needed,” she says. Although Serbia supported the resolution in the UN General Assembly condemning the attack, unlike Kosovo it did not follow the EU sanctions. In the past, Vučić has maintained a good relationship with Putin, who is seen by many in Serbia as a better ally than the European Union – which, however, is by far the most important partner economically.

But anyone who shares European values ​​”cannot stand on the sidelines now,” Baerbock exclaims in the presidential palace. “While we chose the path of construction together, President Putin unleashed an unprecedented campaign of destruction.” She stands at the plexiglass desk in a red pantsuit for almost five minutes and castigates the attacks: “In our neighborhood, houses, maternity hospitals and schools are being bombed.” It is a message addressed not only to Vučić, but also to the Serbian population. In particular, the tabloid media in Belgrade, many of whom are devoted to and dependent on Vučić, are spreading the Kremlin’s war propaganda unfiltered.

Vučić clarifies that Serbia opposes the war and supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity. He has had no contact with Putin since the Russian invasion began on February 24. The only issue here is compliance with international law. Serbia has not done anything that could hurt Ukraine and is acting responsibly. “What do we have to do with the conflict?” he asks. “What did Serbia do wrong?” He explained his position on sanctions against Russia to Baerbock. The Foreign Minister did not want to report on the conversation. However, it should have become even clearer.

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