Baerbock calls on the world to outlaw Russia

MForeign Minister has strong words Annalena Bärbock urged the international community to condemn Russia for its attack on Ukraine. Baerbock told the UN General Assembly in New York that Russia’s attack was not just aimed at Ukraine, but at the whole world. The attack marks the beginning of a new era: “Today we face a new reality that none of us chose”. Russia is waging a war based on lies.

Baerbock accused the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pretends to spread outright lies about his country’s aggression. He claims that Russia’s actions are an act of self-defense. But the whole world watched as Russia prepared its troops for an attack. Lavrov said it was important to protect the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine. But the whole world can see how the houses of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in Kharkiv are being bombed.

The Foreign Minister explained that Germany remains “profoundly aware” of its historical responsibility. The federal government has now decided to support Ukraine militarily. This help to ward off an aggressor is in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter. She said “when our peace order is attacked, then we must face this new reality”.

Speaking to the United Nations delegates, Baerbock quoted the recently deceased South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu: “If you remain neutral in moments of injustice, you have taken the side of the oppressor.” Peace and vote yes” to the resolution condemning the Russian attack. Everyone would have to decide at this moment between peace and aggression, between justice and the law of the strongest, between acting and looking the other way.

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