Baerbock calls for efforts against Putin in US interview

As of: September 15, 2023 2:14 a.m

During her trip to the USA, Foreign Minister Baerbock gave an interview to the conservative television station Fox News. In it she called for a joint effort against Russian President Putin and his war against Ukraine.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called on the USA to make a joint effort against the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. “(Russian President Vladimir) Putin is also fighting democracies around the world and that’s why we have to stand together,” said the Green politician in the program “Special Report with Bret Baier” broadcast by the conservative television channel Fox News. She added: “We are stronger than Putin’s brutal aggression.”

Asked how the war could end, Baerbock said: “With freedom and peace for Ukraine. And we will support Ukraine as long as it lasts.”

Technical glitch during the interview

The Green Party politician also spoke about her visit to Texas, where she met Republican Governor Greg Abbott. Baerbock said she wanted to get an idea of ​​everyday life in the general population. She also found out about how the state, known for its rich oil reserves, is switching more and more to renewable energy.

There was a technical glitch during the approximately six-minute conversation with the minister. Baier had to be replaced by substitute moderator Rich Edson for two questions. The right-wing conservative broadcaster’s interview with Baerbock was embedded in reporting on the indictment of US President’s son Hunter Biden and the announcement of an interview with the controversial Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. There was also a report on findings about extraterrestrials.

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