Baerbock at the Green Party Congress: “Need European armaments cooperation”

Status: 10/15/2022 2:09 p.m

Foreign Minister Baerbock has defended the decision to export arms to Saudi Arabia. The topic is highly controversial among the Greens, but a compromise is emerging. Decisions on Ukraine are also pending at the federal party conference.

The debate on foreign and security policy at the Green Party Congress included arms exports to the Islamic Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During her speech, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said: “We do not deliver directly to Saudi Arabia,” a country “where human rights are trampled on.”

The approval for the export was difficult for you and Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck. But she is of the opinion that “we need European armaments cooperation”. Also so that spending on social affairs does not have to be cut in favor of national defense spending. At the same time, she promised a more restrictive armaments policy for the future.

Controversial arms exports to Saudi Arabia

On the highly controversial issue of arms exports to Saudi Arabia, the Greens agreed on a compromise with which their government members continue to have a free hand. Accordingly, the party rejects arms exports to the kingdom, as announced by federal manager Emily Büning. But the agreed text does not call for the withdrawal of the recently granted export license for ammunition for fighter jets as part of a European joint project.

The following passage was finally included in the motion by the party executive: “The government of Saudi Arabia commits demonstrable massive violations of human rights and is a war party in the Yemen war. That is why we reject any arms exports to Saudi Arabia.” A European ban on arms exports for Saudi Arabia “and a European arms embargo on other countries” are also being sought, as long as they are “demonstrably directly involved in the Yemen war”.

Green leader Omid Nouripour said of arms exports to Saudi Arabia: “Of course we reject them.” At the same time, he referred to “old contracts” and “joint contracts” that the traffic light government found. The planned arms export control law, for which the responsible Federal Ministry of Economics has just drawn up the key points, is all the more important.

The Federal Security Council’s approval of ammunition exports to Saudi Arabia had sparked criticism within the party. According to Büning, the party congress will also vote on a grassroots motion to revoke the export license. A majority for this motion was not expected in party circles.

“We deliver directly, not to Saudi Arabia,” Foreign Minister Baerbock on arms exports

tagesschau24 2:00 p.m., 15.10.2022

Much support for arms to Ukraine

Votes are also pending on the Ukraine war. Some of the delegates reject the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine in motions or call for ceasefire negotiations with Russia. Green co-leader Ricarda Lang called on Friday for more weapons to be delivered to Ukraine.

Nouripour reiterated the need for more arms supplies. “The need of the hour is that we help as quickly as possible,” said Nouripour, to great applause from the delegates. He is tired of always discussing “where the weapons should come from”. The decisive factor is that Ukraine needs them, regardless of whether they come from the German armed forces or from industry. Addressing the delegates, Nouripour said: “I know this is not easy for a peace party, but peace is not easy.”

Baerbock also campaigned for support for Ukraine. “We support Ukraine because we are a peace and human rights party,” she said. Every single day of the war waged by Russia is a catastrophe. “Actually, this war shouldn’t be there, but it is here. And that’s why we take on this responsibility.” For the Greens, government responsibility is not a burden or a burden. “What we don’t do – and that is the difference to the previous government – is to duck away at this time.”

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