Badge of honor for five citizens from the district of Ebersberg – Ebersberg

Five personalities from the Ebersberg district received a special award on Wednesday: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) presented them with the Bavarian Prime Minister’s badge of honor for services in honorary office in the Kaisersaal of the Munich Residence. The five are involved in completely different areas: Richard Hörl from Forstinning in the beekeeping association, Martina Hohl from Poing in the parish council, Jutta Judt from Zorneding in the Nature Conservation Union, Günther Schuler from Pliening in the music band and Reinhard Weber from Kirchseeon in the riflemen.

The badge of honor is intended to be a “visible external sign of public gratitude for many years of outstanding achievements by citizens who put themselves unselfishly in the service of the general public”. The Minister-President awards it to persons who have rendered merit through many years of active service in clubs, organizations and other communities with cultural, sporting, social or other charitable goals for at least 15 years. At the award ceremony, Söder emphasized: “All volunteers shape our country and give hope, especially in difficult times.”

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