Back to school, Macron in the northern districts of Marseille and the draw of the Blues

Did you miss the early morning news? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

It’s back to school. Despite the threat of the Delta variant which raises many questions among parents and teachers, nearly 12.3 million students are indeed returning to class this morning. For the occasion, the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer will make a trip to a school in Marseille in the morning, alongside President Emmanuel Macron. The objective will be to reassure while the coronavirus continues to worry. In the West Indies and in the red zones of Guyana, the start of the school year has thus been postponed from September 2 to 13 due to the “serious” health situation there. The current month will also be marked in schools by a social movement. The CGT, FSU, FO and Sud unions called a strike on September 23 to demand more resources for the school.

For the first day of his visit to Marseille, Emmanuel Macron wanted to show that he was also there to listen to the neighborhoods. The Head of State thus went to the city of Bassens on Wednesday, an emblematic complex of the 15th arrondissement which concentrates the problems of the northern districts. Accompanied by Benoît Payan, the mayor of the city, and Samia Ghali, deputy mayor, the president remained on site for nearly two hours, going in particular to an association room where he was able to exchange with residents. And, not to forget that safety remains a priority of his visit Emmanuel Macron did not fail to pass, at the time of departure, by the neighboring police station. This Thursday, the head of state will return to the northern districts. He will be welcomed there at 9:30 am in a CM2 class at the Bouge school, in the 13th arrondissement, on the first day of the school year. This visit will be followed by the presentation, in the afternoon, of the “Marseille en grand” plan, the amount of which has not been disclosed but could exceed one billion euros.

The evening was hard for the Blues. Wednesday evening in Strasbourg, against Bosnia they won the draw (1-1). And the verb is “to drop out”, as Didier Deschamps’ players have come close to disaster. The 55th world nation in the Fifa rankings was not far from winning. The fault, it is partly true, with a team of France which was reduced to ten in the 50th minute of play after the exclusion of Koundé. But this numerical inferiority does not explain everything and our special correspondent at Meinau, Thibaut Gagnepain, explains why.

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