Back-to-school inflation: Now it has to be about the kids – Economy

Parenting is pretty darn tough right now. First of all, there were two years of the corona pandemic, during which children and young people were unable to go to school for weeks and were stuck at home. Now inflation is gnawing at the household account – and the right to education, one of the most important rights of all, is once again in danger. This can be seen, of all things, in something (supposedly) succinct like satchels, pencils and exercise books.

These teaching materials are also becoming more expensive, in some cases even more expensive than filling up the tank, heating and food altogether. Exercise books and drawing pads, for example, cost an average of 14 percent more than a year earlier, not least because of the paper shortage, the Federal Statistical Office announced on Tuesday. Just to remind you: the general cost of living only increased by eight percent in the same period.

Now you could say: All parents will probably still be able to afford the few exercise books. That may be the case in normal times, although even then it is difficult for families who have to turn over every euro. 1.5 million children in Germany live on Hartz IV benefits. But times are getting really uncomfortable, economically speaking. And the school things are just one example that fits into a puzzle that is becoming increasingly difficult.

Low-income families suffer the most from high inflation anyway, because the current biggest price drivers – household energy and food – play a particularly large role in their spending. The nine-euro ticket and the fuel discount, which cushioned this, are now running out. Instead, life is becoming even more expensive for many in view of the rising gas price, the federal government makes no secret of it: an average four-person household will have to pay up to 480 euros more a year.

The result: the social gap will widen again. And with it the gap in education – i.e. the future prospects of the children. Because, to put it bluntly, there is no question how parents decide when the tight budget should be used for a math tutoring lesson, a class trip, school books or exercise books – or for a few warm meals.

But that shouldn’t be a decision a family has to make. Because every person in Germany has the right to education, at least that’s in the Basic Law, Article 26. And it also says: “This education is free of charge.” The idea behind this is that all children should have the same opportunities. Equal opportunities: This is such an important, right principle that must also apply in this time. And that this government should finally spell out completely and comprehensibly. Germany can afford it and must want to afford it. If parents are not financially relieved, there will soon be much bigger problems in education than they already are.

It starts with small things: Notebooks, books, pens, compasses, triangles should be provided by the state when parents can finally no longer afford these school supplies. This continues with participation, with excursions or school trips. And extends to the information work of the state. Child bonus, relief contribution, catch-up program, child benefit, school start package – there are already a number of things that Germany does for its families. And for 2023, basic child security has even been announced. Many measures, but they lead to an inscrutable jungle in which it is particularly easy for those who actually need help to get lost: because they work too much, because they don’t speak the language very well, because they take care of the children.

What Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised applies to everything: In these times there will now be relief for those who have to calculate and have no reserves. He would do well to redeem this promise quickly – and really not to forget the millions of parents and their children.

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