Back problems: Queen cancels public appearance

Status: 11/14/2021 12:07 p.m.

Again, the British Queen cannot keep an appointment for health reasons. Because of back problems, Elizabeth II cannot take part in the traditional World War II commemoration in London.

The day is very important to the Queen and for the past few years she has followed the event from a balcony in central London. But now Elizabeth II had to completely cancel her participation in the traditional remembrance of World War II, Remembrance Day, in London.

Back problems plagued the queen, announced the palace. The date would have been the first official appearance of the 95-year-old since a hospital stay in October.

“After spraining her back, the Queen decided with great regret that she would not be able to attend today’s Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph,” said a statement from the palace. The queen was “disappointed,” it said.

Concerns about the Queen’s health

The sprain is said to have occurred recently, the UK news agency PA reported, citing unnamed sources. Accordingly, there were concerns as to whether driving in the car and standing during the memorial ceremony could affect recovery. The Queen therefore remains in Windsor.

The British are very concerned about the health of their monarch because she is actually known for her robust health. Even after the death of her husband Prince Philip in April, she hadn’t stepped down.

In October, Elizabeth went to a hospital for an examination and stayed one night. On October 29, the palace announced that she had been given a two-week rest period. She continued to work at the desk during this time. The Queen canceled her planned appearance at the international climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, but sent a video message.

The ceremony is an important date

The November memorial ceremony, however, is one of the royals’ most important dates on the calendar. It was therefore firmly expected that the Queen would do everything possible to participate in the event in London’s government district.

Great Britain pays tribute to its fallen soldiers on Remembrance Sunday, always celebrated on the second Sunday in November. The royals lay wreaths at the central memorial, the cenotaph. The now 73-year-old heir to the throne, Prince Charles, has been taking on this task for the Queen for several years. He and his wife Camilla have recently been performing more and more official duties.

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