Bachelorette Sharon and Jan about future plans and nasty comments

The couple in conversation
Bachelorette Sharon reveals: Which of her candidates should definitely not be the next bachelor

Jan and Bachelorette Sharon in the finale of the dome show


In the last episode of “The Bachelorette”, Sharon Battiste gave the final rose to the florist Jan Hoffmann. In an interview with the star the couple talks about future plans, nasty comments and runner-up Lukas. And the bachelorette reveals who she could not imagine as a bachelor.

Sharon, Jan, first of all, congratulations on leaving the show as a couple. Jan, when you met Sophia Thomalla again, you couldn’t look at the flashbacks. Did you still watch the episodes together?
Jan: I watched it up until episode four, but then I knew that it would also get more intense with the other men, and I refrained from doing it out of self-protection. Sharon showed me the most beautiful scenes of us.
Did you have any conflicts?
Jan: No, I can’t accuse her of anything. She took part, it’s part of the format. She wanted to find the man for life and I can’t be jealous. If she were to do it now, of course it would be different.
Maybe/hopefully she has found the man for life. When is the move to Hanover?
Sharon: Yes, actually I found him. We can take the “maybe” out. As far as moving is concerned, we don’t stress ourselves. We keep both apartments and don’t put any pressure on them. But I can imagine spending more time in Hanover in the coming months because of his job situation. Maybe I’ll help out in the flower shop.

After participating in the show, many contestants start out as influencers. Sharon, you are an actress. How is your career going now? Which role would you like to play?

Sharon: I’m still speculating on the Bond girl. I’m still on it and in talks. No, kidding, but of course that would be something that would excite me. Otherwise I let everything surprise me. At some point I can also imagine a family.
You said in the final that you have feelings for both men. How do you imagine the moment after the last rose? Can you really be happy when you lose someone you have feelings for on the other side?
Sharon: It’s never nice to give someone a message like that. The decisions before that hurt me too. It was absolutely ugly, but to walk out happy, I had to tell a man that it wasn’t enough.
What was the aha moment when you knew it would be Jan?
Sharon: It actually existed relatively early on. And then I actually only got a confirmation from the trip. He was the first man out and he was the last and that’s a good thing.

Bachelorette on RTL: Lukas in an interview

So you already knew when you exited?
Sharon: Yes, at least I knew from the beginning that there was something there without us knowing each other.
If you watch social media a bit, Lukas was the fan favorite. How did that go down with you?
Sharon: Of course you get that and some messages have fluttered into the inbox. The people have accompanied my journey and of course interfere and judge, but in the end I made the decision.
How do you both deal with this?
Sharon: That has been an issue at one point or another. But it doesn’t change the fact that we’re happy.
Jan: The news is sometimes so funny because it’s written so badly and weirdly. Anyone who writes such messages does not necessarily think about it. And there are also many people who wish us all the best. And Sharon is not stupid. She thought about her decision carefully.

The men accused you, Jan, of being too sure of victory. Now Sharon says she knew early on who she wanted to give the last rose to. So were you actually simply confident of victory?

Jan: I thought that was nice of Steffen when we met again, when he said that that wasn’t the case at all. I didn’t feel that either. I think only Tom said it on the show, but I get along well with him too. It was just male talk that was overheard. I was just me And the men clearly see that I’m allowed to stay longer after dates, I get a kiss, I get the early rose – that can seem like it, but it didn’t correspond to reality. At the end I wasn’t sure at all. I was so glad I didn’t have to speak at the rose ceremony in the final. That was pure excitement.
Jan, can you describe what went through your mind the moment Sharon showed up bald?
Jan: Several things went through my head. At first glance: wow. And then I got worried too. Stas put it quite well when we met again. Then the questions went through my head like: Is it something worse? Is she okay? Of course it’s a disease, but it’s not fatal. I told her that night that it’s not a problem for me and that I want to get to know her and not her hair.
It was emotional for all of you. To what extent did you process that together in the Herrenvilla?
Jan: You come home after such an emotional night and then you sit there with a beer and talk, but we’re not guys who talk behind your back.

You said you were super excited, Sharon. How was the fear related to “real life” experiences?

Sharon: There was definitely a basic fear, but I think it’s more due to society. A lot of things are so superficial and I didn’t do well with them for a few years. I just hoped it wouldn’t affect my love life.
Which of the men were you particularly afraid of?
Sharon: Basically, I hoped that it wouldn’t upset anyone, to put it mildly. And then I went straight to the conversation and asked Jan what he thought of it because I was afraid it might change something. So it was important for me to clarify it immediately.
Finally: If one of your candidates could become the next bachelor – who would you choose?
Sharon: Well, let me put it this way: not Max. But joking aside, it’s up to the men to decide for themselves.

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