Bachelorette 2022: Sharon cries and kisses her dream partner

Bachelorette 2022
Boozy finale: Sharon cries and kisses her dream partner

The faces of the finalists Jan, Lukas and Steffen (left to right) are tense before the first round of decisions


It’s time the Bachelorette chose a man – the finale revealed a surprising decision. Beforehand, Sharon Battiste was actively supported by her parents and her best friends.

Every new partner feels jittery when they first meet the in-laws-to-be. So do the three finalists of “The Bachelorette”, who have to answer questions from Sharon’s parents. The father also goes straight to the point with the question to Steffen: “How well can you handle emotions?” His answer: “Uhhhhm, good emotions, so happiness very, very good.” Oh no, man, really? But the viewers are surprised.

As in a job interview, he then tells us that his excessive empathy sometimes weighs on him. You know it from job interviews: “Sometimes my perfectionism gets in my way, that’s my most negative quality”, yes of course. Sharon’s mother asks all three of them a question that is very important to her: “Can you lay parquet better or dance?” Everyone answered that they danced as one, but they would probably prefer to practice the “hands-on mentality” on Sharon Battiste herself. After Sharon’s “boys” were taken in by their parents, their best friends also appear, of course announced with wild screeching from Sharon and subsequent girls deep talk.

Steffen has no happy feelings when he leaves

The Bachelorette then has to make the first decision from three to two alone. For this, the three men are summoned to a remote side street in Bangkok. Well-behaved, they line up next to each other with serious expressions on their faces. Steffen has to go, but not without having to have a feedback discussion with Sharon, with clever sentences like “I have to make a decision!” – yes, that’s the point of the show. And don’t forget the crying. The scorned person is then carted away in a tuk tuk.

Let’s move on, the chances have increased, Jan and Lukas are now fighting their way into the final. Two more single dates follow to taste, oops, to test, of course, who could be the more suitable partner. With Jan we go on a boat at night, of course we kiss like mad and reminisce on a beamer. The candidate is then put through its paces. So we assume so, because the two spend the night in the same hotel room together and the next morning, lying in bed, tell the camera that their hands stayed above the covers. As he leaves, she cries again.

The bachelorette has to choose between Lukas and Jan

Lukas’ next single date: Steffen seems to have disposed of the tuk tuk and is now driving Sharon and Lukas through the big city. In the vehicle, Lukas Sharon confesses that he sometimes has his uncontrolled five minutes, when he also starts a fight. But she also knows it herself and says that sometimes she would like to scream from the excess of energy. Or cry, she’s forgotten about crying again. As the dream date continues, they stroll through Bangkok, also look at photo memories and spend the night together. Here, however, the saying that the hands should have stayed over the bed covers is missing. Another round of crying after Lukas is gone because Sharon Battiste is still in love with two men but now has to make a decision.

Now “The Bachelorette” is heading for a tearful, smoochy finale. Barefoot and without a wig, she welcomes the two finalists on a bridge over a hotel pool. After endlessly between cut howling excerpts from the Bachelorette, Lukas is dumped by Sharon. The crucial question for them seems to be: “What do I need right now?”. In addition to handkerchiefs and lip balm, that seems to be the florist Jan with his camping van excursions. Ah yes, and in the last few minutes of the show, Sharon even cries and kisses at the same time.

The current season of “The Bachelorette” can still be seen on RTL +, on Thursday evening at 10:35 p.m. the reunion with Sophia Thomalla follows directly.

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