Bachelor Dominik and Anna: That’s how it was to see the episodes together

Anna Rossow received the last rose from Bachelor Dominik Stuckmann. In an interview with the star Among other things, the two reveal what it was like to see the kissing scenes together on the sofa.

Dominik, when we spoke in January, you called taking part a jump in at the deep end. A jump that was worth it?
Dominik: But something like that. The jump couldn’t have ended much better. I got out of this adventure with my queen of hearts.

The group dates seemed to be getting to you. Why?
Dominik: Honestly, would you be relaxed if you were sitting there with five men, some of whom you may have already kissed? These situations are uncomfortable when you’re in a group with women you may have developed feelings for and have become physically close with. I couldn’t handle the situation masterfully, I have to admit. I’ve always been a fan of single dates, because you can get to know each other much better.

What was the biggest challenge watching episodes together as a couple?
Anna: Certain dates and certain words that Dominik said were not so nice. You have to take a quick sip. But you pretty much know what’s coming. Towards the end it became much more difficult for him. I, as a partner, sit next to him and he kisses someone else on the big TV. Then he covered my eyes. It wasn’t always nice, but it was still manageable – we were already able to gain some distance.

Were there any scenes that you, Dominik, warned Anna about?
Dominik: We talked very openly about everything even before the episodes aired. There wasn’t a situation below the belt that I couldn’t talk to Anna about. It was sometimes harder for me to see myself snogging in the pool with other women.

Of course there was a lot of drama in the women’s villa again this year. What did you think about it afterwards, Dominik?
Dominik: I’m not aware of what’s happening in the women’s villa. That means I can only judge women by how they behave on a date with me. It was super interesting for me to get an insight into what was happening in the Frauenvilla. There was also one or the other behavior of women that I personally would not subscribe to. If I had seen that, it would have even influenced my decision-making.

What exactly would that have been?
Dominik: It was clear to me that the question would come up. I don’t want to name specific names, that would be unfair. We’ve all seen the season and everyone may judge behavior differently.

Jana-Maria talked about her strong feelings very early on and often reacted jealously. Did that put pressure on you too?
Dominik: No, quite the opposite. I thought it was nice that she opened up like that. Even I sometimes found it difficult to completely hide the cameras and let my emotions run free. And Jana-Maria did it very, very well.

When she met Frauke Ludowig again, Jana-Maria surprised the audience and you when she said she fell in love again immediately. How did you take that?
Dominik: For me there are only two logical explanations why someone says something like that. Either it was self-protection or her feelings weren’t as strong as she said in Mexico. I don’t want to accuse her of that, so I rather assume self-protection. We built feelings for each other. And I don’t think you can switch off feelings overnight. If she’s fine, then I’m happy. If she says that she fell out of love after two days, then I accept that and I’m happy that she didn’t suffer.
Anna: She also wished us all the best and that seemed honest to me.

Anna, you were – in comparison – rather cool and relaxed. You kept your distance from the drama in the house. You risk staying in the background. Were you aware of that?
Anna: On the dates I noticed that I had to move around a bit. I just had to open up, otherwise it wouldn’t have happened. Dominik leaned out the window and often took me with him. And that was also a sign to the other women, which made the situation in the house more difficult for me. I handled it the way I would have done it outside and stayed out of it. I couldn’t have used the extra stress from the arguments.

Anna’s sabbatical and her travel plans stood somewhat between you. What are the plans in the end?
Anna: Unfortunately, the sabbatical is over. But I was on the road, including in Panama and Miami. I told him on our last date that letting go of the plans I’ve been working towards for so long would be the wrong thing to do. I don’t want to regret not having done something. But maybe you shorten it more because you get longing.

Now you’ve moved from Hamburg to Frankfurt. What was the decision-making process like?
Anna: I’ve moved a few times in my life. It’s nothing new for me and I’m open-minded. And after a few years of being single, I asked myself: what’s the point of moving if not for love? Dominik is more local and I was ready to start over.

Dominik, you also commute to Gran Canaria. Or is that no longer the case?
Dominik: That’s now on our list when we finally move in together in the summer. We have the ability to fly to Gran Canaria at any time and I already miss the sun. It won’t be long before we jump in that pool.

In recent weeks you have had to hide from the public. Can you describe what that looked like?
Anna: My parents and closest friends knew about it. But you’re already inside a lot and when you’re outside, you’re more separated. It’s quite an endurance test.
Dominik: It’s an extreme situation in which we put ourselves to the test. And it went well, we didn’t have any major conflicts and got to know each other even better.

If you could: would you do something differently?
Dominik: In the end, it all comes down to the last rose. The goal is to find love. And that has come true. Everything done right.

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