Babysitter convicted of child abuse – preventive detention

Acts also filmed
Detention and preventive detention: Babysitter convicted of child abuse

The accused stands between his lawyers Jürgen Schüttler (l) and Sybille Weber (r) in the Cologne district court while hiding his face behind a file folder

© Thomas Banneyer / DPA

A 34-year-old former babysitter has been sentenced to ten years in prison plus preventive detention for multiple serious sexual abuses of children. Among his victims was a severely disabled girl.

Because of severe sexual child abuse is a former Babysitter was sentenced to ten years in prison and preventive detention in Cologne on Tuesday. This means that the 34-year-old will not be released after serving his sentence, but will be sent to a penitentiary.

The Cologne regional court found the German guilty of, among other things, multiple serious sexual abuses of children and the production and possession of child pornography. According to the court, between autumn 2019 and May 2022 the man had sexually abused a total of 22 children between the ages of one and six years, some of them severe. Among them was a severely disabled girl.

Assaults in care facilities and swimming pools – crimes filmed

The defendant filmed or photographed a large number of the crimes. According to the verdict, the crime scenes were the 34-year-old’s apartment, but also care facilities where he worked as a temporary worker. There have also been sexual assaults in changing rooms at public swimming pools and in the homes of the victims’ parents.

The defendant had made a comprehensive confession in the process. “After initial tactics and lies, you described what actually happened,” the presiding judge said in favor of the 34-year-old. The judgment is not final, an appeal can be filed.


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