Baby sloths in Costa Rica: These are the cutest photos

Their hallmarks are sloth and shaggy fur: sloths. Their preferred habitat is many meters above the ground, namely in the treetops of tropical rain forests in Central America.

Photographer and conservationist Sam Trull originally went to Costa Rica to study the lives of monkeys there. But after a short time in the country’s bounty, their attention was drawn to much slower creatures, sloths.

Because of their flat faces with small ears, sloths remind us of our ideas of goblins.

The American Trull was so fascinated by the animals that she settled in Costa Rica in 2013 after her expeditions through West Africa and Madagascar and initially worked as a gamekeeper.

But she soon recognized the problem of newly born sloths being left to fend for themselves without their animal parents. For these orphans, she founded the in August 2014 near Manuel Antonio Sloth Institute, which not only takes care of the cute animals from an early age, but also strives to provide more information about these mammals. If you want, you can symbolically sponsor a sloth baby by giving the institution financially supports.

But Sam Trull isn’t just a biologist. She is also an avid photographer who has closely followed the growing up of one or the other sloth with her camera. She has now published her most beautiful pictures of little sloths in the book “Slothlove”. Inkshares has appeared.

Also read:

– A visit to the rainforest: in a dugout canoe to the Indians

– My whitewater tour in a rubber raft – and the vultures were circling above us

– Alternative luxury in Costa Rica: overnight stays in the jungle and by the sea


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