Baby is abandoned – and survives thanks to a stray dog ​​and her pups

Baby is abandoned in a cornfield – and survives the night thanks to a stray dog ​​and her pups

A baby with a young dog (symbolic image)

© DaniloAndjus / Getty Images

The newborn still had its umbilical cord and was naked when the mother abandoned it near an Indian village. Without a small miracle it would not have survived the cold night – but the miracle happened.

It is sad news, but at the same time hopeful: a little girl was abandoned in a field in India. It may not have survived the cold night – but it was miraculously saved.

The newborn was deposited in a field in the village of Saristal in northeast India by its mother, whose identity is still unknown. It was naked, its umbilical cord was still there. It was probably born the night before, and the mother put it there right away. So far, one can only speculate about what motivated her to expose her child.

Dogs may have saved the baby’s life

The temperatures in Saristal are very pleasant during the day with currently mostly 25 degrees. But at night they quickly slide below the ten-degree mark. For a baby without clothes or warm blankets, this can become life-threatening after a certain period of time. But the little girl was very lucky: a stray dog ​​noticed it and probably recognized that the human child needed help. She had just given birth to a litter of young close by herself and was now carrying one little dog after the other into the field, where she was setting up her new camp. The puppies cuddled with the baby, everyone stayed warm.

The next morning, the baby made himself known by crying when villagers passed by. They discovered the unusual scene and saved the little girl. “We were in a panic and called the ambulance, who took the baby to the hospital to have an examination,” a villager told the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, in which also Photos of the unusual location you can see. “It is possible that the warmth of the puppies and the mother dog helped save the newborn from cold death.”

Now the little girl has a name

The little girl has now been given the name Akanksha, and she is being looked after in the hospital for the time being. As if by a miracle, however, she is alive and well. Meanwhile, the police are looking for their parents. In the village they don’t have a good word for them and speak of “criminals”. But presumably the mother was in an emergency situation when she abandoned the child. What will happen to Akanksha in the long run has not yet been decided.

Sources: “Daily Mail”, “Express UK”


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