Ayinger Gmoa Kultur shows a new play – district of Munich


Udo Watter, Aying

History arises from stories – and from history stories can arise. This is particularly true for the Ayinger Gmoa culture, because their original theater productions have been based on local historical facts, old sources or stories for almost 20 years. They usually owed themselves to the intuition and ingenuity of long-time Gmoa chairman Michael Wöllinger, and Marcus Everding was always responsible for the narrative (and staging) implementation, whether as a drama or comedy: from the martyrdom of Saint Emmeram near Kleinhelfendorf to the Sendlinger Murder Christmas to the millions buried in the forest near Rauchenberg by the Oetker kidnapper Dieter Zlof and most recently in 2020 a poacher story that took place during the Nazi era (“Abschuss”).

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