Axel Springer: “Bild” expands editor-in-chief – media

Journalists Linna Nickel and Antje Schippmann become members of the image– Editor-in-chief, the media group Axel Springer announced in Berlin. The editor-in-chief of image consists so far of three people: the newly appointed editor-in-chief Johannes Boie in mid-October, Alexandra Würzbach, editor-in-chief of Picture on sunday and responsible for personnel and editorial management, as well as Claus Strunz, who is still responsible as editor-in-chief for the range of moving images. The reorganization is related to the exemption of the long-term employee image– Boss Julian Reichelt after allegations of abuse of power. The 41-year-old Nickel has been a leaf maker since September Image. Before moving to Springer in the spring of 2021, she worked at Colorful, where she has been deputy head of the “News / Aristocracy” department since 2015. The 34 year old Schippmann comes from World on sunday, where she has supported the editor-in-chief in leafing as Managing Editor since 2019.

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