Awards: Tocotronic singer receives literary award |

Tocotronic singer receives literary prize

Dirk von Lowtzow, singer of the band Tocotronic, is honored for his book “Aus dem Dachsbau”. Photo: Jens Kalaene/zb/dpa

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Dirk von Lowtzow obviously not only knows how to make music, but also how to write. For his literary debut “Aus dem Dachsbau” he should be awarded immediately.

The author and singer of the rock band Tocotronic, Dirk von Lowtzow, is awarded the Literature Prize of the City of Wiesbaden. The jury explained its decision in Wiesbaden on Friday that his work was essentially inspired by literary references.

The literary debut “Aus dem Dachsbau” was worked like a concept album. Von Lowtzow “transposed the conciseness and originality of his lyrics here into prose, but without imitating the characteristic wordplay of the songs”. In the stream of autobiographical and autofictional narrators, the 51-year-old has developed his own narrative and style-forming power.

The prize is endowed with 10,000 euros. The award ceremony will take place on November 16 in the Hessian state capital.


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