Award: Miriam Cahn receives Kaiserring from the city of Goslar

Miriam Cahn receives the Kaiserring from the city of Goslar

Miriam Cahn is honored. photo

© Oliver Berg/dpa

By awarding the renowned Kaiserring to two Russians, the city of Goslar caused a stir in 2023. This year the award also has a political touch.

The artist Miriam Cahn will receive the Goslar Kaiserring for 2024. The city of Goslar announced this. The undoped one The award is one of the most important prizes for modern art in Germany. The award ceremony is scheduled to take place on October 12th.

The work of the Basel-born artist (74) is characterized by a powerful form of expression that weaves together social issues and individual reflections, it said in a statement. Cahn, who draws primarily with charcoal, pencil and pastel, evokes with great urgency “the injustices and dramas that people suffer or have to suffer, be they of a political or intimate nature,” the jury wrote in its statement.

Her works, which have already been shown in Venice, Tokyo and Paris, are dedicated to the vulnerability of the body and the attraction of desire and violence. In more recent works, refugee crises, among other things, are a topic.

The Kaiserring has been awarded annually by the city of Goslar since 1975. It consists of an aquamarine set in gold, into which the seal of Emperor Henry IV is engraved. It has already been awarded to Joseph Beuys and Christo, among others.


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