Auto industry in crisis: number of new registrations continues to fall

Status: 05/04/2022 3:26 p.m

The auto industry is in a production crisis because of the lack of chips, among other things. This has consequences: In April, the number of new registrations fell by more than a fifth. For the first time, less purely electric cars also came onto the streets.

The production crisis in the auto industry caused another slump in new registrations in April. Last month, 180,264 new cars were registered in Germany. That was 21.5 percent less than in April 2021, as reported by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). As early as March, new registrations had fallen by 17.5 percent compared to the same month last year. According to the KBA, new registrations for commercial owners fell by 23.4 percent in April. Private new registrations decreased by 17.9 percent.

Expert expects price jump and long delivery times

Car expert Peter Fuss from the management consultancy EY explained that the industry would not be able to get the “massive” problems under control quickly. “Chip shortages and supply problems with raw materials and supplier parts remain at the top of the agenda – on the one hand because of the tough lockdown measures in China, on the other hand because of the war in Ukraine.” Production is at a standstill in some automobile plants, and manufacturers and suppliers are trying to switch to alternative production sites. “Further price increases and even longer delivery times are the consequences.”

Also fewer e-cars allowed

Even the number of new registrations of pure electric cars fell in April, by 6.9 percent. In the case of plug-in hybrids, the number of new registrations even fell by 19.6 percent compared to the previous year – the reason is the foreseeable reduction in government subsidies for plug-in hybrids.

“The lack of supplier parts now also has a significant impact on sales of electrified new cars – especially since electric cars require even more chips than vehicles with a combustion engine,” explained Fuss. In addition, the high fuel prices led to even greater interest in electric cars. The manufacturers could therefore sell significantly more electric cars – “if they were able to deliver”.

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