Author: Mother of the “Dragon Rider”: Cornelia Funke turns 63

Mother of the “Dragon Rider”: Cornelia Funke turns 63

The extremely successful children’s and youth author Cornelia Funke. Photo: Uli Deck / dpa

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She writes one bestseller after another. With her latest book she takes her readers into a fabulous underwater world. Today Cornelia Funke is 63 years old.

More than 20 years ago, Cornelia Funke sent the dragon Lung into the air for the first time. In a new volume, published in English and German at the beginning of October, the bestselling author is now taking her readers on a journey into the depths of the sea.

“I had to do a lot of research because I knew next to nothing about the sea and am still dismayed at how little I know about this important part of our planet,” she recently revealed to the German press agency in an interview. Today is her 63rd birthday.

The German writer left California, her adopted home country after 16 years, in the summer and now lives in Italy. “I said to myself: I’ll try a year to see what it feels like to be back in the old world,” she said. After that, she will decide whether to go back to America or whether she might want to have a residence in the US and one in Europe.


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