Australia on submarine dispute: “France will calm down”

As of: 09/20/2021 10:18 a.m.

Because of the dispute over the failed sale of French submarines to Australia, Paris intensified the rhetoric. The government in Canberra, on the other hand, is rather relaxed about France’s anger.

By Holger Senzel, ARD Studio Singapore

The term “historic” is currently experiencing inflation in Australia. Whether in the media coverage of the defense pact with the Americans and the British or in the political discussion – there is always talk of a historical alliance, and there is a lot of pride in it.

The anger of France, the allegations of breach of trust and lies, are seen in Canberra with a shrug of shoulders. You understand that the French are now “bitter”, but hope that they calmed down. “France,” said Prime Minister Scott Morrison, “is and will remain an important friend and ally for us, and we will continue to work together in a spirit of trust”.

Focus on the AUKUS alliance

The withdrawal of the French ambassadors from Washington and Canberra shows that this point of view is not shared in Paris. Australia, however, smiles calmly away from the political earthquake in Paris.

First, it is well known that the French are primarily angry with the United States. And secondly, the Americans and British are traditionally closer to Australia anyway and the AUKUS alliance is important enough to accept cooling relations with France.

France is missing out on billions

For Australia, it is about sending a signal to China, which is increasingly flexing its muscles in the Indo-Pacific. For the time being, eight nuclear-powered submarines are to be built in Adelaide with American know-how. Not atomically armed boats mind you, but powered by a nuclear reactor. They are quieter and can operate under water longer than the conventional submarines that France was originally supposed to deliver to Australia.

France is losing more than 56 billion euros due to the canceled order. Australia does not want to see that French ambitions in the Pacific region and injured pride weigh much more heavily for Paris.

“France will calm down” – Australian reactions to Parisian anger

Holger Senzel, ARD Singapore, September 20, 2021 9:23 a.m.

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