Australia: Massive flooding in New South Wales

Status: 11/15/2022 3:07 p.m

In the Australian state of New South Wales, flooding has been causing major damage in several communities since the weekend. In the fight against the water masses, Australia is getting international help.

Heavy rains have been causing flooding on Australia’s east coast for months. New South Wales in particular is now preparing for the “largest flood operation in the state’s history,” as reported by the Australian television station ABC.

The flooding has already caused widespread destruction in several communities: West of the metropolis of Sydney, more than 200 people have had to be rescued so far. Many had saved themselves from the water masses on their roofs. ABC said it had received about 900 emergency calls in the past 24 hours alone.

According to the media, more than 1,000 residents of the state have already been brought to safety because of the rapidly rising water masses. In the community of Forbes on the Lachlan River, the people living there were also called upon to leave their apartments and houses immediately. This is the second time in two weeks that the community has been hit by devastating flooding.

Search operation for two missing persons

Two people are currently missing in connection with the flood: According to media reports, they are said to be an 85-year-old man and a 60-year-old woman from Eugowra. They are currently being searched for.

The town was hit by the floods on Sunday and Monday in particular, and the first residents are now returning to their houses, some of which were badly damaged.

Even the Wyangala Dam above the Lachlan River can no longer hold the large amounts of water. The dam is about 320 kilometers from Sydney. On Monday alone, 230,000 megaliters fell from the dam into the river, as the television station ABC reported.

International support in the fight against flooding

In the fight against the floods, Australia is receiving support from responders and volunteers from several countries, including New Zealand, Singapore and the USA. Dominic Perrottet, Prime Minister of New South Wales, thanked the helpers who had arrived:

We’ve had volunteers from all over the world when it comes to fighting forest fires, but as far as I know this is the first time they’ve come for floods. And I want to thank them.

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