Aurélien Rousseau announces “an increase of 100 euros per month” on the bonus of operators, on strike

On strike for almost three months, Samu operators have obtained a first victory. On France Info, the Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau promised an “increase of 100 euros per month” in the bonus “specific to their medical regulation function”. These staff who answer the phone when we dial 15 before redirecting patients “have a central job in the health system”, and “have a role to play in overall regulation which is essential”, justified the minister.

Aurélien Rousseau was then to make this announcement during a visit to the Val-de-Marne Samu, at the Henri-Mondor Hospital in Créteil. The minister will also allow them to progress more quickly within the salary scale on which they depend. The strikers hoped for an increase of 120 euros. But they also demand better working conditions and hiring.

According to its representatives, the profession suffers from chronic understaffing, aggravated by the new missions given to “15” to relieve emergency services. Patients are increasingly encouraged to call 15 before going to the hospital, so that if necessary they can be referred to another solution, a local doctor or another. For some hospitals, calling 15 is even mandatory before being admitted to the emergency room.

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