Augsburg: Man attacked with knife in tram – Bavaria

A 58-year-old is said to have attacked another man on an Augsburg tram with a knife and seriously injured him. An investigating judge issued an arrest warrant for attempted murder, as the police and public prosecutor announced on Friday. The 58-year-old is currently in custody. The two men got on a tram one after the other in the Oberhausen district of Augsburg on Thursday.

According to investigators’ current findings, the 58-year-old is said to have immediately attacked the 46-year-old with a knife. The suspect then fled. Paramedics took the seriously injured 46-year-old to a hospital. A short time later, the officers found the fugitive in the surrounding area and arrested him. Because the man was also injured in the attack, he was initially taken to the hospital. The Augsburg police investigated the background to the case.

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