Augsburg: Climate activists are not allowed to demonstrate on the Autobahn – Bavaria

Climate activists have failed with their plans for a bicycle demonstration on the busy Autobahn 8 (Stuttgart-Munich). The activists wanted to drive about two kilometers on the A8 this Sunday, which would have required extensive road closures. However, the city of Augsburg prohibited the demonstration in this area. On Thursday, the Augsburg administrative court rejected an urgent application against the ban on the demo and agreed with the municipality (Az. Au 8 S 23.309).

The demo is part of the action weekend of Fridays for Future and other organizations, a number of protests are planned until Sunday. The bicycle convoy is scheduled to start on Sunday at 2 p.m. at Rathausplatz in Augsburg. The participants were originally supposed to drive out of the city, then a bit over the autobahn and back through Augsburg. The section on the A8 was the subject of the process.

“Federal motorways are not ruled out in principle as places for holding meetings,” the court said. However, a particularly close connection between the purpose of the demo pursued by the organizers and the section of the highway cannot be identified. The city has rightly given priority to public interests, security interests and the rights of the motorists concerned.

A spokesman for the Augsburg climate camp left it open whether the organizers would now have the decision reviewed by the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich. He announced that in any case a new attempt for a demo on the Autobahn would be made in a few weeks. The bicycle demo on Sunday should also take place without using the A8 with a changed route.

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