Audience ratings: Crime and Bundesliga before comedy, Omikron extras strong

Audience ratings
Crime and Bundesliga before comedy, Omikron extras strong

Hendrik Wüst (CDU), Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia and Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK), in the video conference of the heads of government of the federal states. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa Pool / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

What came out of further measures against the coronavirus at the federal-state conference in the afternoon? An audience of millions was interested in this.

In the Corona special broadcasts on the occasion of the renewed Bund-Länder round, the first came before the second and RTL on Friday evening.

The “ARD extra: The Corona situation” from 8.15 p.m. saw an average of 5.22 million viewers (17.6 percent), the “ZDF special – fight against Omikron – Corona summit in Berlin” 3.48 million (14, 3 percent) and the “RTL current special: Corona crisis – fight against Omikron: This is coming!” at 8.15 p.m. 1.73 million (5.8 percent).

The prime time programming of the major broadcasters shifted accordingly. From 8.30 p.m., the ZDF crime series “Der Staatsanwalt” with Rainer Hunold, which is now back in Hesse, had 5.88 million viewers (19.3 percent), the ARD comedy “Speechless in Ireland” with Andrea Sawatzki and Götz Schubert came to 4.44 million (14.6 percent). At RTL, “The Ultimate Chart Show – The Most Successful Live Acts” held 1.52 million people in front of the screen (6.3 percent).

Sat.1 landed a ratings hit with the live broadcast of the Bundesliga opener match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Mönchengladbach (1: 2): 4.95 million followed the first half from 8.30 p.m. (16.2 percent), 5.37 million (18 , 4 percent) the second with Bavaria, which has been decimated due to Corona. On Saturday morning, Sat.1 spoke of a net reach of a total of 9.8 million viewers – this means the number of people who were reached at least once briefly.

Behind were Vox and the fantasy film “The Hobbit – Smaug’s Desolation” from 2013 with 1.19 million viewers (4.3 percent), ProSieben and the superhero adventure “The First Avenger: Civil War” from 2016 and 0.92 million (3, 2 percent), RTLzwei and the US thriller “72 hours – The Next Three Days” from 2010 with 0.72 million (2.5 percent) as well as Kabel eins and the crime series “Criminal Minds” with 0.54 million (1, 8 percent).


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