Attila Hildmann in Turkey: stern reporter describes hunting

Watch the video: Tracked down in Turkey – the stern reporter describes a long hunt for Attila Hildmann.

Tina Kaiser (star) In principle it was like the work of a profiler, maybe. So that we just tried to put everything together. And the decisive last stone, which led to the breakthrough, were the tiles at a veterinarian’s, which were very unusual. But anyway, we spoke to him and we also filmed it because we knew that he would later develop his own truth about what happened. And so it was. Immediately afterwards he started talking nonsense.

Hendrik Holdmann (star) Tina, together with other stern colleagues and the hobby detectives who call themselves “Hildbusters”, you found Germany’s most dangerous anti-Semite Attila Hildmann in Turkey. What was the trigger for the research and the search?

Tina Kaiser (star) I’ve been dealing with conspiracy ideologues and extremists for a relatively long time, so I’ve had Attila Hildmann on my radar for a long time. And now, at the end of April, beginning of May, something happened that suddenly an insider appeared who had worked as Hildmann’s right hand man for a long time, so to speak, and turned against him. And that was a good way to get information about Hildmann.

Hendrik Holdmann (stern) The entire research can now be read at stern-plus and the current stern. In a nutshell here in the video: How did you find him? What were perhaps the most important milestones of this research, this search?

Tina Kaiser (star) So for months we looked at what Attila Hildmann was posting on Telegram. On the one hand with its public channels. But I also managed to get into his private supporter chat. Only strapping, well, strapping Nazis are allowed in there. But he accepted that I am one. | And he posts a little more outspoken videos and voice messages and photos from his private life, like where you can see his garden, where you can see his car, where he’s been to the vet. These are all many, many small pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that, taken on their own, were actually relatively meaningless, but in the end they gave a picture. So basically it was like the work of a profiler, so we just tried to put everything together. And the crucial last brick that led to the breakthrough were the tiles at a vet, which were very unusual. And then we just searched the internet for a vet in Turkey who had the same tiles with the same cracks until we found one. I have this group that accompanies the Hildbusters, who have been looking for Hildmann since February 2021, i.e. since the arrest warrant was issued, and I accompanied this group from May of this year and originally it was planned that I would just watch them how they are looking for. But then in the end I started looking for it myself and so it all worked together and in the end we had more reporter luck and just found this veterinarian who brought the breakthrough.

Hendrik Holdmann (star) Then you went to Turkey and met Hildmann. What was it like meeting Hildmann in Turkey? How did he react, how does he present himself? Please take us with you into this situation.

Tina Kaiser (star) Well, first of all we thought about it, well, we didn’t want to ring his doorbell. Because we thought, first of all, the danger is much greater that he just closes the door again and he has been warned and nothing happens. On the other hand, because we heard that he is armed. That’s why we wanted to surprise him in the random situation. And we knew that he always goes for a walk with his dog for the first time just after ten in the morning and then we just waited on this walky route that we assumed. And then it was actually as we expected. He then came out and we ran up to him – well, we had a team from Stern TV with us, you can see all that on Stern TV tonight – but anyway we talked to him and we also filmed, because it was also clear to us that he would later develop his own truth about what happened there. And so it was. But right after that he started talking nonsense. But in the conversation itself, I have to say that the knowledge gained was relatively small. After a brief moment of surprise, he has started repeating his usual conspiracy theories. So the Jews are to blame for everything, we must also be Jews. We’re working with the Mossad. Corona is an invention of the Jews. Vaccination is supposed to kill us all. The Ukraine war is an invention of the Jews to deindustrialize Germany. And so on. And otherwise we asked him if he now has this passport. It’s always about: Does he now have Turkish citizenship or not? Then he said: yes, but then didn’t want to show us the passport. And he couldn’t really explain why he’s hiding in Turkey when he can live freely there and has nothing to fear.

Hendrik Holdmann (star) What’s next? Hildmann must have left his hiding place long ago, right?

Tina Kaiser (star) I would have expected that he would leave the hiding place. And he also said in his closed support group a few days after we confronted him that he was going to look for a new place to live because he wasn’t sure anymore. In fact, on Monday of this week, the last time I know he posted a video where he was clearly sitting on his balcony in this house, which is also where we found him. So he hasn’t left his hiding place yet.

Hendrik Holdmann (stern) What are the consequences of this research? What should politicians do now?

Tina Kaiser (star) We all very much hope that the Federal Government or the Federal Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for this, will finally apply for extradition to Turkey if they have not already done so. So they haven’t officially commented on this for security reasons, investigators-technical reasons, they say. And yes, we hope that this article will help to make it clear once again how much has already been done wrong in the last two years, i.e. how massively the judiciary has made mistakes and that politicians urgently need to take over and has to put pressure on Turkey to finally bring him to Germany – to prison.

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