Attempted break-in in restaurant – district of Munich

It stayed with the attempt: a break-in into a gas station in Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn ended early on Thursday morning – the acoustic alarm that the perpetrator or perpetrators triggered when they got in probably drove them away. A resident in Rosenheimer Strasse was woken up on Epiphany at around 5 a.m. by alarm noises in the area of ​​the restaurant and notified the owner of the restaurant. Upon arrival, he found that one or more strangers had removed a cellar shaft grille and forcibly opened the window there. Presumably when the alarm went off, they left the scene with no prey. The police are asking people who have made suspicious observations in the area of ​​Rosenheimer Straße, Münchner Straße and Brunnthaler Straße during the period in question (Tel. 089/29 10-0).

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