Attal judges that the atrocities in Ukraine are “a point of detail” for Le Pen

Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson and supporter of Emmanuel Macron, ruled on Monday that “the atrocities” committed in Ukraine by the Russian army were “a point of detail” for Marine Le Pen, an allusion to provocative statements by his father about World War II.

“The atrocities that we see in Ukraine are a point of detail in history for Marine Le Pen, to use a formula from this party”, declared Gabriel Attal during the program the four truths on France 2 in reference to words of his father Jean-Marie Le Pen.

The latter had estimated in 1987 that the gas chambers were a “point of detail in the history of the Second World War”, which had earned him a conviction for contesting a crime against humanity. He was then expelled from the National Front after repeating these remarks in 2015.

“We would be Russia’s allies”

Relaunched by the journalist on the fact that Marine Le Pen had never made such a statement, Gabriel Attal evaded before affirming that for the RN candidate, diplomacy was a “magic slate” because she affirmed that Vladimir Poutine could become “an ally” again after the war in Ukraine.

“We can see what France would be if Marine Le Pen were elected, we would be Russia’s allies,” said Gabriel Attal, recalling in particular the loan taken out by the RN from a Russian bank. Gabriel Attal further estimated that Marine Le Pen was “a campaign in Charentaises” unlike Emmanuel Macron who multiplies the trips to lands where he did not achieve good scores in the first round.

“Insulting” support according to Marine Le Pen

Questioned during a walkabout in Saint-Pierre-sur-Dives (Calvados), Marine Le Pen hoped that the televised debate between the two candidates which will take place on Wednesday would not be an opportunity to spread false news. “I hope it will not be what I have been hearing for a week, a succession of invectives, fake news, excesses as I heard again this morning in the mouth of Mr. Attal”, a- she declared.

She also harshly judged the supporters of candidate Macron: “they are rather rude, insulting, offensive” before slipping: “I find the slippers very good”.

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