Attacks on secularism in schools “far from being a marginal phenomenon”, according to a study

While an interministerial committee of secularism (CIL) is held in Matignon this Thursday in the middle of the day “of secularism”, the national Ministry of Education points to an increase in attacks on this principle in schools. 614 cases ranging from the wearing of signs or clothing with religious connotations to verbal provocations were recorded between September and the end of November, against 547 between December 2020 and March 2021.

Of this total, “219 relate to incidents recorded during the tributes paid to Samuel Paty (assassinated for showing caricatures of Muhammad to his students) a month ago”, reports the ministry, which specifies that these facts “take place in 51% in colleges (…) around the sartorial issues of wearing the veil or very long skirts ”. As a reminder, the wearing of signs or clothing with religious connotations within the confines of schools has been prohibited since a law of 2004.

One in two students notices attacks on secularism

The findings of the ministry also supported by an Ifop poll released this Thursday and commissioned by the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). The survey reveals that “the identity-religious manifestations which affect school life are far from being a marginal phenomenon”. The study thus notes that more than one in two high school students (55%) “has already been confronted with a form of expression of the religious fact in a school environment”.

Still according to Ifop, the most common attacks on secularism are requests for “denominational” menus (47%), refusals of educational activities by young girls in the name of their religion (31% for swimming lessons and 26% for PE lessons), but also refusals to enter a religious building (24%) or challenges to Christmas meals (27%).

Taps, WC and canteen table separated by religion

16% of high school students in the public also noted the organization of tables in the canteen according to religion. 15% also observe it for separate toilets according to their religion or 13% saw the institution of taps reserved for students according to faith. In about a third of cases, these facts are noted in high schools classified as “priority” underlines the investigation. Indeed, the geographical area of ​​the school seems to be playing a role. 63% of high school students enrolled in an establishment classified as “priority” in sensitive suburbs have already observed it during their schooling.

Almost one in two high school students in the public sector (48%) report having also observed students contesting the very content of the teachings in the name of their religious convictions. The survey also notes that all these forms of protest are initiated by a minority of students: only 21% of high school students have already personally shared the substance of these identity claims and 49% of them are Muslims.

In Matignon, Jean Castex will bring together a dozen ministers this afternoon for this second CIL which must, like the first on July 15, set in motion the various administrations after the adoption and promulgation, in August, of the “law reinforcing respect for the principles of the Republic ”, said to be against“ separatism ”. This law contains a battery of measures relating to the neutrality of the public service, the fight against online hatred, the supervision of family education, the reinforced control of associations, the transparency of religions and their funding.

Methodology :

Ifop study for LICRA and the Right to Live carried out online from January 15 to 20, 2021 with a representative national sample of 1,006 high school students aged 15 and over. The representativeness of the sample was ensured by the quota method (sex, age, type of education, sector and level, sector, academy, religious affiliation) based on statistics from the Ministry of Education (RERS 2020) and those of the Institut Montaigne.

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