Attack on Oliver Pocher: Christoph Daum is “just shocked”

Sat right next to Pocher: Christoph Daum describes how he experienced the slap attack

Football coach Christoph Daum at a boxing match in Dortmund

© Bernd Thissen / Picture Alliance

While he was sitting next to Oliver Pocher in the auditorium of the Westfalenhalle and watching a boxing match, a D-celebrity suddenly hit the comedian in the face. The football coach witnessed the scene up close.

The attack on the German comedian Oliver Pocher, who was slapped by a D-celebrity without warning when he wanted to see a boxing match in the Westfalenhalle in Dortmund, is still bad for those involved. And that not only refers to Oliver Pocher and his wife Amira, but also to another celebrity who sat next to Pocher in the audience that evening: Christoph Daum.

The 68-year-old football coach was just as surprised at the would-be celebrity’s attack on Pocher as he was himself: he was sitting relaxed in his chair with his arms crossed when the fat attacker punched Oliver Pocher in the face without warning. A supporter of the perpetrator filmed the event, giggling childishly, and you can see Daum’s expression changing from surprise to outrage. Now he spoke about how he experienced the evening.

Pocher attack came out of nowhere

“You’re just shocked and wondering which movie you ended up in,” he told RTL on Sunday. Even before the attack, the atmosphere in the hall was tense: “It was in the second or third round, Felix had already made his cut, the atmosphere in the hall was incredibly heated. Beer cups were flying, it was a big mess. The security service tried to keep things quiet.” But that was only partly successful. “Suddenly a man came forward who was dressed in black, which is what the security first looked like,” says Daum. That’s probably why nobody expected it to happen.

The football coach visibly felt for the attacked Oliver Pocher, but also had other thoughts: “Everyone looked at each other later and asked themselves: What else could have happened?” Because if a hard slap was possible without the security intervening immediately, then a more dangerous blow or another physical attack with even more serious consequences could have happened. Obviously, the organizers still have to work on the safety concept here.

Nobody found the scene funny

None of those present could approve of the attack by the hitherto almost unknown would-be rapper and comedian, not even his “fans”: The action was completely wrong, “everyone agreed,” says Daum. It becomes particularly reprehensible when you know the racist’s motivation – he himself posted on social networks that he hit Pocher, among other things, because he allegedly “supports people who claim to have been raped, even though it’s not true”. . This statement apparently refers to the rapper Samra, whom a woman accused of rape.

The act has not been proven and Samra denied it, but the alleged victim stuck to her statement despite numerous hostilities from the hip-hop scene. The rapper then lost his record deal with the Universal label. Pocher seems to have believed the woman in question – but interestingly, he had previously stood by comedian Luke Mockridge in the case of the not dissimilar allegations against him.

Source: RTL


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