Attack on Green politician: 66-year-old sentenced to fine | – News – Lower Saxony

Status: 17.06.2024 17:09

The district court in Göttingen has sentenced a 66-year-old man for attacking the Green Party member of the state parliament, Marie Kollenrott. The pensioner must pay a fine and compensation.

The fine is 1,600 euros and the compensation is 600 euros, as the judge at the Göttingen district court ruled on Monday. The district court found the man guilty of two counts of intentional bodily harm and insult. The 66-year-old had attacked and injured MP Marie Kollenrott at the end of May at an election campaign stand in downtown Göttingen. On Monday, the judge found it proven that the accused had hit the 39-year-old several times on the left upper arm at the end of May and had previously insulted her. “You filthy bunch, you Greens,” he said in her direction. The verdict is not yet final.



After a man attacked Marie Kollenrott (Greens) during the election campaign in Göttingen, the MP speaks out in an NDR interview. (May 26, 2024) 1 min

Justice Minister: Accelerated procedure “good for everyone involved”

The public prosecutor’s office in Göttingen had obtained an accelerated procedure based on the evidence. Lower Saxony’s Minister of Justice Kathrin Wahlmann (SPD) told NDR Lower Saxony on Monday: “In cases where you have the perpetrator and all the evidence is there, you should bring the case to a close as quickly as possible. That is good for everyone involved.” She explained: “That is good both for the accused, who then knows what is happening to him, and for the victim, who quickly receives satisfaction. And of course for the justice system too, because every case we have completed is no longer on the pile.”

Man wants to prove innocence with DNA test

The man, who followed the trial with little interest, had previously denied the crime. The accusations were “just nonsense,” the 66-year-old said on Monday. If he had touched the politician, he apologized. He also said he wanted to wait for a DNA test. This would prove that he had not touched the MP. Kollenrott appeared tense during the trial and avoided direct eye contact with the man.

Attack happens at Green Party campaign stand

The attack occurred on May 25 at a Green Party campaign stand. When Kollenrott followed the 66-year-old to take a photo of him with his cell phone, the man hit the Green MP on the left upper arm again until witnesses intervened. Two witnesses confirmed this on Monday. The police arrested the suspect shortly afterwards near the crime scene. Kollenrott said she suffered bruises on one arm. She also stated that she had difficulty sleeping in the days following the attack and that the attack would probably stay with her at future campaign events.

Kollenrott: “Attack on democracy and me as a woman”

After the verdict, the politician was relieved that the case was concluded within a day and that the verdict was guilty. She was also happy that the court had condemned the crime in its entirety. “The attack on me as a woman, the attack on democracy and the perpetrator’s right-wing extremist tendencies were taken into account,” said Kollenrott. She hoped that after the formal conclusion, she would now be able to quickly find closure mentally. Kollenrott also announced that she would donate the compensation to the women’s counseling center and the Antifascist Archive in Göttingen.

Accused has previous conviction for picture with swastika

After the attack, Kollenrott filed a complaint for insult and bodily harm. “I don’t intend to get used to something like this,” she told NDR Lower Saxony. The perpetrator is no stranger to the justice system. The attacker has a previous conviction for using symbols of unconstitutional organizations. In July 2020, a court sentenced the man to a fine of 30 daily rates of 30 euros each for showing an imperial eagle with a swastika in an oak wreath in his WhatsApp profile picture.

Further information

The day after a physical attack by a 66-year-old in Göttingen, state parliament member Marie Kollenrott (Greens) describes the incident. © NDR

A man had beaten the state parliament member in Göttingen. The 66-year-old is no stranger to the police. (28.05.2024) more

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NDR 1 Niedersachsen | Radio pictures – the day | 17.06.2024 | 16:00

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