Attack on a money transporter in Saarland – shots and injuries

Shots and injuries: Attack on a money transporter in Saarland

Emergency services stand around the extinguished money transporter in Saarlouis


Spectacular robbery in Saarland: Unknown people robbed a money transporter. According to the police, shots were fired, there was an explosion and two were injured. The perpetrators are on the run.

In Saarlouis (Saarland), unknown persons committed a spectacular robbery on a money transporter on Friday. An occupant of the money transporter and a police officer were injured, as a police spokesman in Saarbrücken announced on Friday. The perpetrators are said to have fled in the direction of the French border. The investigators are looking for the unknown persons together with the French police. Whether they stole money was initially just as unclear as whether the fire in the van was caused by an explosion. Other cars were also damaged.

There was an exchange of gunfire

According to the spokesman, there was an exchange of gunfire during the robbery. Empty bullet casings were found at the scene. It was initially unclear whether the shots were fired by the police, the criminals or the security service. The police initially did not provide any information about the cause of the injuries to the security guard and the police officer. A special task force (SEK) was deployed. A drone secured footage of the crime scene.

According to a police spokesman, such spectacular and dangerous robberies are a rarity – probably also because of the high risk. In July of last year, unknown persons attacked a money transporter in Cologne, shot at it and finally fled without having made any booty. There have been a number of robberies on money transporters in Berlin in recent years – in February 2021, criminals disguised as garbage collectors stole around 650,000 euros.


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