Attack at Neuschwanstein Castle: Defendant admits murder – Bavaria

At the start of the trial, the 31-year-old man admitted the brutal attack on two women at Neuschwanstein Castle. By analyzing his cell phone, the investigators are able to reconstruct the crime in some detail – and find shocking images and videos. Among other things, one from the crime itself.

The accusation has been read out, the defendant has endured it without moving. His shoulders are slumped, his back is round, Troy B. actually looks “deeply ashamed,” as one of his defenders will describe his emotional state a little later. The 31-year-old from the USA listens to what the public prosecutor is accusing him of in German: murder, rape, attempted murder, possession of images depicting sexual violence against children. He didn’t show any emotion until later, during the first break, when hardly anyone was looking: his defense lawyer got a handkerchief from the note taker and handed it to him – the 31-year-old sniffled a little and dried his eyes.

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