ATM hacking ring busted

The times are changing. To rob an ATM, there is now more discreet and just as effective as the attack with a bulldozer or a car-ram: the jackpotting which consists in making the machine spit by hacking into its computer system, and including five specialists presumed have just been arrested by the gendarmes. The first fact in this series, which remained at the hacking attempt stage, dates back to October 2021, in Labège, in the suburbs of Toulouse. Then the attacks multiplied in the following months “over the whole national territory”, indicates
the police station in a press release.

The first investigations, carried out in the center and south-west of France, made it possible in November “to identify a group from Eastern Europe likely to have committed 22 acts” for a jackpot estimated at more than of 300,000 euros. The research section of Toulouse and the research brigade of Auch (Gers), in joint referral with the Central office for the fight against crime linked to information and communication technologies (OCLCTIC) and the police Lyon court.

70,000 euros seized

On February 3, the investigators took action in a hotel in Vaucluse where they arrested a member of the network, originally from Romania, and an accomplice. Three other people were arrested the same day in places that the gendarmerie does not specify. The searches carried out led to the seizure of 70,000 euros.

The five suspects were indicted as part of the judicial investigation opened in Paris and entrusted to magistrates specializing in cybercrime. Four of them were placed in pre-trial detention, another under judicial supervision.

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